Download Cola Bear Babies 1.16 - Minecraft PE Addons
MC: Cola Bear Babies 1.16
Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons  / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 892 - Published at: 4 years ago


You want more Polar Bears right? Well you’ve seen the commercials.

It’s true what they say about Polar Bears. They love Cola.

This mod introduces a new item to the game. “Cola!”

Cola Bear Babies is a mod that allows you to use a custom drink, COLA, to get Polar Bears to breed.

  • Polar Bears can still be wild, and aggressive.
  • This mod does NOT tame Polar Bears.
  • It does NOT make them rideable.

It only allows you to make them breed.

Items: Cola

Recipe: 1x Ice, 1x Sugar, 1x Glass Bottle

Polar Bears are slightly indifferent to Cola 

Give them a sip and they’ll make a baby.

If you liked this mod please let me know any ways I could improve it!

(Please don’t add this to any modpacks or use it anywhere without asking me.)




