This mods a total of 40 new commands to the game. It is a wide differentiation of commands ranging between simple but fun commands like /fly (self-explanatory) and /explode (also self-explanatory!). If you are looking to boost your gameplay with a little fun extra then this mod is for you, as it got just that.
- /info
- /help
- /heal
- /infhealth
- /kill
- /fly
- /day
- /midday
- /dusk
- /midnight
- /creative
- /dawn
- /night
- /explode
- /survival
- /flyoff
- /launch
- /creeper
- /zombie
- /chicken
- /cow
- /silverfish
- /enderman
- /pigman
- /spider
- /skeleton
- /setsilverfish
- /setenderman
- /setpigman
- /setspider
- /setskeleton
- /pig
- /sheep
- /mooshroom
- /villager
- /setplayer
- /setcreeper
- /setzombie
- /setsheep
- /setmooshroom
- /setvillager
- /setchicken
- /setcow
- /setpig
- /location
- /setspawn
- /biome
- /world
- /pumpkins
- /chest
- /naturestaff
- /screenshot
Creator: Code_Cloud
.McAddon Custom Terrain Maps 1.3+ Seeds Redstone Maps 0.15.2 Seeds CTM Maps .mcfunction Roller Coaster Maps 128x128 0.15.9 Seeds