Tired of the old, boring Minecraft Tool Textures…..? Well heres the pack for you! This changes all of the tools in minecraft into new and shiny tools! Hope you enjoy it.
(Invisible Item Frames & Borderless Glass is not included!)
Ooh! Very shiny! No more weird outlines on the textures i guess!

Chopping down tree’s for resources can be very boring, but thanks to this texture pack, You can have a nice and shiny axes to look at.. i guess.. XD

Absolutely perfect for mining! Don’t mine too much though.. your pickaxe can break anytime!

Don’t dig straight down.

This is perfect for farming potatoes.. idk what else to put here

1. Don’t claim this texture pack as yours!
Don’t claim it as your own texture pack or claim that you made it!
2. Don’t reupload to any other websites!
Don’t reupload texure pack this to another website! You can only find this on McpeDL.. If you found this texture pack on a different app/website, contact me!
3. Don’t redistribute the download link!
If you are going to share this to your friends, make a YouTube video or something else, please give the McpeDL Page Link to the texture pack instead!
4. Enjoy the texture pack!
I hope you have fun with it! If you have any suggestions, bug reports, or just give feedback on the texture pack.. just comment down below!

Twitter – @fireliteyt_
Discord – FireliteYT#6976
How to Install (Linkvertise)
Click the link, wait 5 seconds, take a look of some articles for 10 seconds.. and you're done! :D
How to Install (Sub to Unlock)
Click the link, wait 5 seconds... subscribe to my channel and go back to the website! :D