Download Classic PvP Pack - Minecraft PE Texture Packs
MC: Classic PvP Pack
Category:Minecraft PE Texture Packs
Viewed: 1234 - Published at: 4 years ago


This pack aims to get a classic PvP experience. Unlike other packs which changes everything. This pack only make everything easy to find and more explanatory. You can use this pack either for PvP or for Survival. 

No matter what you are doing. You get same classic Experience.


1. Bow Charge Indicator

(Inspired from Fruitberries PvP Pack)

This is one of the most common item you might have seen. It basically shows, how much your bow is charged.


Green (Lest Charged)

Yellow (Mid Charged)

Red (Fully Charged)

2. Ore Border (New 1.17 Ores)

You might have noticed that, there’s ore Border but Coal, Iron, Gold, Redstone uses 1.17 snapshot ore textures.
The ore between redstone ore and nether gold is Diamond Ore its red because it’s RGB
I’m unable to show it at the moment because I’m super new to MCPEDL and
I don’t know, how to add gifs.

3. Cleaner Particles

(Java Edition) 

These particles are available in Both RGB and Normal colour. 

All particles matches Java Edition, but their emission may vary.

4. Bordered Ui

There’s a little Shout out to me at bottom leaft. 

5. Short Sword

I don’t have anything to explain about it, it’s name explains what it is….

6. RGB Enchantment Glint

It’s Red Blue and Green. Make more visible to see from a distance.

It is recommended to use PolarFlare’s Glint if you want a ton of visibility from a distance.

7. Clean Glass

No stains on the glass!!!!
Looks better and increase visibility only a little.

8. Clean Wool

NO PiC at the moment 

9. New Armour Modle




They basically looks like armour border

There are many other subpacks.

You can try it urself, but I’ll update it in few days.

Soon I’ll tell you some secret features, for those who don’t know anything about editing the pack. I’ve a plenty of new Textures in the pack, but I didn’t added em as subpacks, so I’ll tell u later how to apply them.

I own every texture in this pack, and everything in this pack is hand made using pixel lab

Textures may look similar because of common ideas.


It's pretty straight forward to Install it,

  • Click on download link
  • Just open file ( if you are on mobile, you can use Zarchiever or you can open this .mcpack file as document. On Xbox, I don't know about it, coz I don't have Xbox
  • Export in game
  • Activate in Global Resources Pack


