Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 1140 - Published at: 4 years ago
Have you ever thought yourself that Minecraft can get a bit boring after you had (couple of times) defeated a Dragon of End, collected a full house of emeralds, had won all social servers mini-games?
Or think that it all may get boring like hamster wheel in the end as you have never got any diamond? Then, please, enjoy! This add-on was made for you!
Dark vales of Herobrine lands and their armies
The High mountains biome. Forested foothills are also visible.
Castle counties generated as valley in high mountains.
The dead volcanos of creeper lands biome with lot of zombies and generated structure zombie house.
The weird looking creeper hills. No structures and vegetation are there.
The grassy hills biome. You can find lot of sheeps there.
The valey in Epic mountains
One of “structures” appearing in Herobrine lands
Alps edge in middle, Alps on left, alps forests on right and high mountains in background.
Castle counties biome populated by villagers (On the left side you can see emerald hills-the rarest biome in the mod)
Better sky.
Wasteland biome with lot of tallgrass and ruins
Lakeland Mountains biome. Lot of fir trees are there.
Clearing in lower woods biome.
High Mountains glacier biome.
Woodland Mountains Biome.
Fir forest. Fir is only tree generating there.
Pine taiga biome.
Another picture of High Mountains.
Subtropical plains biome with mangos, oranges and olives.
Hot lava pools in Volcano biome.
Highland biome. It is plateau-like version of plains.
Mountain biome. Gold and iron is more common here than in another biomes.
Rivers running through deserts are now transformed into dry rivers.
Hot desert mountains biome.
Desert oasis is only place in desert where you can find wood and water.
Abandoned saloon is new structure found in mesa.
Beautiful waterfalls in highlands.
Day in dense forest biome.
“The better Minecraft” add-on is adding lot of new biomes and structures as you may see in the pictures above.
There are things for noobs as well as for pro-gamers. You can take a challenge and try to live in creeper lands or live in peace in castle counties guarded by villager warriors.
For the miners there are high mountains where they can find ores like gold and iron or search for diamonds above ground as well.
You can load structures from this mod by using structure block in load mode. To load the structure you have to write into loading window: “castleof” to load castle, “zombiehouse1” to load zombie house,”camp” to load traveling camp anh “hute(number from 1-4)” to load villager house, ruin(number from 1-5) to load ruin.
This add-on is adding several new biomes with their variants (see the list below) containing their unique structures and landscapes. Main and most noticeable of them are listed below.
Castle counties biome is very similar to vanilla plains, however containing more greenish grass and castles are being generated out there. No hostile mobs can surprise you and spawn there.
High Mountains is biome with very high peaks often higher than y-125 coordinates (highest peaks can be about y-200). To have a bit more smoother slopes foothills are added as sub-biome.
Herobrine land is hilly biome similar to foothills of the High Mountains, however with no trees. It is better to go here well prepared. Mysterious structures are from time to time appearing around the biome.
Creeper lands and their sub biomes of creeper hills are biomes mainly made from obsidian. Lot of creepers resides there. You can find some zombie dwellings there too.
Grassy hills biome is the perfect one for shepherds. Vegetation, mobs and animals are same there like in the vanilla plains, but more sheeps can be found there.
Epic Mountains are biome with extreme large mountains.. (Not as large as High Mountains but steeper) covered with thick snow.
List of biomes
- Castle counties
- High mountains
- Herobrine lands
- Creeper hills
- Creeper lands
- Epic mountains
- Grassy hills
- Alps
- Marshland
- Wasteland
- Pine Taiga
- Woodland hills
- Lower Woods
- Dense forest
- Lakeland Mountains
- Sick Enchanted Darkwood forest
- Fir Forest
- Woodland Mountains
- Highland
- Volcano
- Subtropical plains
- Mountain
- Larch taiga
- Prarie
- Red Mountains
- White Mountains
- Desert mountains
- Orchard
- Emerald Hills
- Wilderland
- Glory Woods
List of structures
- Castle of king
- Wandering camp
- zombiehouse1
- Herobrine builds- Tunnels, tnt mounds, dead trees.
- Villager houses
- Ruins
- Herobrines tower
- Dungeons
- Abandoned saloon
- Wood Folk structures
New trees and wood
Pines are new type of wood added in this mod. Pine trees are generating in taigas and high mountains. Pine wood is very resistant to fire but by hand you can destroy it very quickly. You can craft planks, bark, stairs, slabs, fences and fence gates. blocks from it. More features will be added in future.
Pine bark, leaves, wood and planks.
Naturally generated pine tree.
Fir is new type of wood found in fir forest and Lakeland Mountains. You can craft planks, bark, stairs, slabs, fences and fence gates from it. It has higher resistance from explosions than pines but fire can destroy it much faster.
Fir stairs, bark, log, planks, fence and fence gate.
Fir tree.
Fruit wood.
Fruit wood is used in every fruit tree in mod. You can craft planks, bark, stairs, slabs, fences and fence gates from it.
Fruit stairs, bark, log, planks, fence and fence gate.
New items
This mod adds lots of new food items. There are wines, cakes, fruits, meats and some vanilla foods have changed recipes.
Example of how to make salted meat.
Bacon is made from three salted porkchops.
Crafting recipe for flour.
Pastry. It is default ingredient for lot of baked stuff.
Bread is made from three pastries.
Recipe for Sachertorte.
Now you can cut bread into three loafs.
Steel can be crafted by putting iron into blast furnace. You can craft steel sword what is dealing +6 damage and have 500 durability or pickaxe what have almost infinite durability. Armor is planned to be added.
Villager warriors are peacefull mobs. They are guarding Castle counties biome in grups from 2-15. They have Iron helmet on their head and steel sword in their hands.( sometimes there is bug that sword in their hands is invisible ). You can hire them by giving them emeralds. If you right click on them they will halt and by another right click they will follow you (just like wolf). You can breed them by cooked meat. You can only breed females with males.
One of them guarding small settlement in castle counties.
Food traders
Food traders are similar to wandering traders but instead of rubbish they are selling food to you. You can buy salt from them so, you do not need to mine for it, you can also buy uncraftable foods like enchanted golden apples, tomatos and wine.
Villager witches
Villager witches are passive mobs spawning at night at castle counties. They can sell you potions and buy form you magical things. They shoot fireballs after hostile mobs. They spawn more commonly under ground.
Pirates are illagers spawning on the beaches and islands. They can spawn with sword or crossbow. They have 20 health points and deals 8 damage.
Illager Wright
Illager Wrights are the strongest illagers spawning only in armies of Herobrine, most commonly in Herobrines lands. It is hard to overlook thems because they are 4 blocks tall and their health bar will be displayed same as withers or ender dragons. They have 200 health points and they deals 24 damage to you. Also their voices are terrible. Best way to kill them is to push them by your shield off the cliff or into ravine. They don’t have fall damage so i probably will not kill them but they will not be dangerous to you anymore (of course if you will not fall into ravine with them). Their texture does not seem like illager but remember that they are Illagers.
Ghosts are spooky mobs spawning in ghostly biomes. I will not tell you everything about them but you shall not forget to believe into people that does not exist.
Wood Folk
Wood folk are player-like magical people living in Glory Woods. They have female and male variants same as Villager Warriors. They have three professions- Mages: they sell yu magical and good items, Warriors: They protect the woods, you can hire them with emeralds but not breed them, Scouts: Good archers protecting woods and other people there.
New animals
Bears are very similar to polar bears. You can find them in forest caves at night. When you get too close to their children, every parent in range of 80 blocks will attack you.
Ducks are passive mobs found in rivers. When killed they will drop feathers and duck meat. They hate cods, so they are eating them.
Deers are animals found in forests. You can breed them with wheat and carrots. when you kill them they will drop leather.
Herobrine is boss similar to ender dragon or wither. He has 2500 hp and is invincible. He can be summoned in survival but i will not write about that cruel here.
Other info
- This mod is mainly about exploration so thats why i did not wrote on this page everything.
- Creeperlands are oldest biome added into this mod.
- Armies are mob events similar to pillager patrols. They are spawning in creeperlands and herobrines lands. They are very destructive.
- By applieing additional texture pack as global resource you can change panorama in main ui screen.There is tutorial how to do that:
1.Go into global resources.
2.Apply better minecraft additional texture pack an click on cogwheel button.
3.Select your favourite panorama.
4.Enjoy nostalgia by looking at old panoramas!
Do this in every your world
Known bugs
- Duck legs are bit bugged.
- Some wooden tools have bugged craftings from custom woods.
- Villagebrine has bugged arms and do not attack you
If you will discover new bug or want to write a suggestion write it into comments or on email [email protected].If you have some idea what can be in the next update write it on email [email protected]. Maybe your idea will be featured in the next update! If you have discovered easter egg write it also on better minecraft email!
- Download current version of the add-on
- Delete any old version of add-on
- Import it into Minecraft
- Create world and active resource, behaviour pack after that additional texture packs
- Click on additional texture pack and on the arrow like toggel (shown on the picturein Other info) .