Download Bedrock Minecraft World Editor Mod (Android) - Minecraft PE Mods & Addons
MC: Bedrock Minecraft World Editor Mod (Android)
Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons
Viewed: 1334 - Published at: 5 years ago


Bedrock Minecraft World Editor is a fork of GhostGaming_HD’s World Edit PE, which was released in late 2014, and then later updated in early 2017, and is itself a clone of the Java Minecraft World Edit mod by sk89q. As it’s a BlockLauncher JavaScript mod (ModPE) it requires BlockLauncher or other ModPE launcher to function properly.

Creator: Monty Wild


The goal of this work is to offer more capable functionality than the original version. For example, GhostGaming_HD claimed that World Edit PE could generate ellipsoids as well as spheres, but that proved to be false in practice, and examination of the code confirmed that observation.

For a full list of the commands you can visit the original page. However, this update brings a few improvements to some of the commands.

  • The //[h]sphere command always requires a block (either an ID or a name, but if no radius is specified, it will use the extents of the area defined by the Pos1/Pos2 markers, otherwise it will accept either one spherical radius or three x, y & z ellipsoidal radii.
  • The //line command produced the same output of //outline command in World Edit.  It now produces a line of blocks between Pos1 and Pos2.
  • Multi-level //undo and //redo have been implemented.   Manual creation and destruction of blocks can now undone and redone.  A //Checkpoint .allows manual grouping of manually placed/removed blocks.  //undo and //redo now change only those blocks changed by this mods commands.
  • //[h]sphere can be used on large volumes.  It has been tested on an Ellipsoid with radii of 250 125 250..  It took over a minute to process the command script, and Minecraft took several minutes to process the addition of nearly half a million newly placed blocks on a Galaxy S8+.  If script processing time or the number of blocks placed exceeds predefined limits, processing can be halted and rolled back.  Processing lengthy commands can be split over multiple game ticks to reduce perceived unresponsiveness.

Note from the creator (Monty Wild): 

I intend to optimize more functionality in the near future, as well as add new features; based on sk89’s java mod, my own requirements and user demand.

At present, there are frequent Minecraft/Blocklauncher crashes, but persistence will eventually result in a working Minecraft.  The //brush GUI button crashes Minecraft instantly at present. 


This mod requires BlockLauncher or other launcher which can load ModPE scripts.

