A Find the Button map like no other because,.. well because it’s made by the most elite team of Minecraft builders on the planet (1 guy) with each scenario being as beautifully constructed as the last!
There are so far 10 levels to this map with many MANY more planned for future updates. So far the levels don’t have an overall theme and are instead simply ideas put into place to get this map up and running but we look to change this in the near future!
If you do enjoy this map please be sure to come back and share it :)!
Simply download the .mcworld file and click the 'finished installation' pop up and it should take you straight to the world in you Minecraft app.
Simple Texture Packs 0.15.0+ Seeds Overhang Seed 0.14.1 Seeds 1.4+ Seeds Minigame Maps Shaders 0.10.3 Seeds 0.13.0+ Seeds 0.15.1 Seeds