Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 1031 - Published at: 5 years ago
Fortnite Items in Vanilla Minecraft 1.12 with only one function! This one function creation adds Fortnite Items into your vanilla minecraft world. You can launch yourself with a Launch Pad, but also blow your enemies base with a Rocket Launcher and boogie with a Boogie Bomb with these Fortnite Items. Everything is done within vanilla minecraft and no resourcepacks are needed.
Enjoy the pack!
Creator: MarvinG Gaming, Twitter Account
Updated: 9 October, 2019 (read changelog)
How does it work?
To get instructions type /function help there you can get instructions how to setup the Command and crafting recipes.
To get started give yourself a command block: type in chat /give @p command_block
2 – Place the Command Block and type function FortniteItems, set it to Repeat and Always Active, and voliá enjoy the Pack.
To craft a Loot Chest drop a Nether Star on Block of Diamond, there you can get all the Items you’ll need from this function pack.
The first item is a “Launch Pad”. This item turn a Gray Carpet into a Launch Pad, it’s useful for reaching high places, and it’s a great with a elytra on.
The next item is a “Hand Cannon”. This item turn a Fishing Rod into a Hand Cannon, when you use it it shoots wither skulls as Bullets, but it doesn’t explode so don’t worry, and this only goes horizontal and it doesn’t go through blocks, but it’s still great for a gun fight.
The next item is a “Rocket Launcher”. This item turn an Arrow into a Rocket, and a Bow into a Rocket Launcher, this item is very destructive and it’s really fun to play with.
The next item is a “Bush”. This item turn a Double Tallgrass into a Bush, you can place them and hide inside, but remove your armor, and don’t hold anything now you’re really invisible, and it’s a great item to prank your friends!
The next item is a “Impulse Grenade”. Rename a Dolphin Spawn Egg ‘Impulse Grenade’ to craft an Impulse Grenade, when you use this item it explode to knock back entities, but it doesn’t damage mobs, players, and blocks, it’s useful to knock back a group of enemies.
The next item is a “Boogie Bomb”. Rename a Magma Cube Spawn Egg ‘Boogie Bomb’ to craft a Boogie Bomb, when used it forces entities to dance in a 4 blocks radius, this is useful to escape from a group of enemies.
The next item is a “Port-a-Fort”. Rename a Vindicator Spawn Egg ‘Port-a-Fort’ to craft a Port-a-Fort, this item generate a large structure useful for shooting a Rocket Launcher and you can stackyourself, and you can use the Launch Pad to quickly reach the top.
The last item is a “Stink Bomb”. Raname a Blaze Spawn Egg ‘Stink Bomb’ to craft a Stink Bomb, when use it poison the entities in a 4 blocks radius, but be careful you might poison yourself, but enjoy the function pack.
- Download Behavior Pack .McPack
- Apply the pack for a world
- Create the world