Download APG Letters Addon - Minecraft PE Addons
MC: APG Letters Addon
Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons  / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 1052 - Published at: 5 years ago


Aren’t you tired of running out of space to build those giant letters or making letters on banners?

With this addon, you can instantly place a letter down without having to use any blocks or banners/dye.

I present to you, APG Letters.

This addon will be a time-saver to people that make a bunch of storefront signs. You will no longer need to waste time just to make letter-like banners or run out space by building giant letters.

This addon allowes you to instantaneously place letters on the wall, ceiling, or ground.

However, there are a few problems:

1. These can easily be moved/pushed.

2. They have one health, which means that it is easy to get rid of. Watch out for any griefers.

3. They will always spawn in the center of the block. I can’t do anything with this, as this is Minecraft-coded. So placing letters on walls will keep them afloat. You CAN however, place them in item frames, although they will be pretty small.

4. The letters are out of order in the inventory. Unless there’s a way to get around this issue, there is no way I can fix this issue.

But I hope you will enjoy this addon! There will be updates to the addon of course.

Link to the showcased map (Does not contain letters).


