Category:Minecraft PE Maps
Viewed: 1174 - Published at: 5 years ago
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Introducing Akihiro Akagi’s Flat World, Akihiro focuses on flat world ideas were good and not yet published in MCPEDL.
- Mushroom: Mycelium (1), Dirt (9), Stone (9) and Bedrock (1)
- Prismarine: Prismarine (20)
- TNT: TNT (20)
- Podzol: Podzol (1), Dirt (9), Stone (9) and Bedrock (1)
TNT Flat World is different from other submissions, It contains pure TNT, But please don’t blow it up or else you’ll kill your device, Podzol is in Taiga Biome and finally the Mushroom Flat World is in Mushroom Island Biome. You can check the code inside of their level files.
- Desert/Cold Desert: Sand (5), Sandstone (5), Stone (9) and Bedrock (1)
- Mesa Desert/Cold Mesa Desert: Red Sand (5), Red Sandstone, Stone (9) and Bedrock (1)
Ever wonder why no hasn’t submit a desert flat world in desert biome? Well there is now, Mesa Desert is here. There is also a new crossover nobody had ever think off, Cold Desert and Cold Mesa Desert is here too. Those 2 are desert that snows.
These are perfect if you want to create a Old Wild West Town and be a sheriff, Ancient Egyptian Cities or Arabian Kingdoms
They all have same flat world layers, except Frozen Ocean
- Ocean, Swamp Ocean and Blood Ocean: Water (10), Dirt (4), Stone (5) and Bedrock (10)
Frozen Ocean has 1 layer of ice, 9 layers of water and same sea floor as the rest. The Blood Ocean is actually in the Nether Biome, that’s why it’s red. Swamp Ocean is a great flat world to recreate Flapjack’s home.
All have the same flat world recipe (Taiga/Snow, Swampland, Jungle, Plain and Savanna)
- Grass (1), Dirt (9), Stone (9) and Bedrock (1)
Nobody has ever submit grass flat worlds in different biomes, Let say you prefer Jungle Biome because you love how green the grass there. Taiga and Snow Flat World have the same grass colour, It will rain snow if you use the weather command.
Downsides: Falling snow may not render
What's make these flat worlds different from other submissions?
- It focuses on flat world that wasn't posted in MCPEDL
- They are inifinite
- Flat Worlds are given with appropriate biome
Note: I don't take requests