Download AK Clean Background - Minecraft PE Texture Packs
MC: AK Clean Background
Category:Minecraft PE Texture Packs
Viewed: 1433 - Published at: 4 years ago


Has it ever happened to you that you put the pause menu and through the dark layer behind you can’t see what is happening?

Well, with this texture your problems are solved, the pack eliminates that background, just like when entering a table, in the inventory, etc.

Also, you can confirm it to use it with any texture, you just have to place it on top and that’s it.



If you like what you just saw then don’t miss the rest of the texture, let’s download it now!


• To download the texture, first click on the link below, / Para descargar la textura, primero haga clic en el enlace a continuación.


• Then deny notifications / luego rechace las notificaciones 

• Then wait the 5 seconds that it says above, / Luego espere los 5 segundos que dice arriba,

• And click on skip advertising, / Y haga clic en omitir publicidad, 

• And when you are on this page just wait / y cuando estés en esta página solo espera 

• And click in the pack / y haga clic en el paquete


