Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 1551 - Published at: 4 years ago
This addon adds new weapons and many ores for you to explore in your minecraft like ruby, sapphire, iridium, titanium, etc. if you have suggestions for future updates leave in the comments below
Here I will give details about the items of the addon. any questions leave your comment and also comment ideas for future updates.
The ores are spread over the world.
location of each ore.
Ruby: 0,12y
Pink diamond: 0,12y
Amethyst: 0,12y
Peridot: 0,18y
Crystal: 0,15y
Aquamarine: 0,22y only in ocean biomes
Onyx: 0,11y
Titanium: 0,10y
Uranium: 0,10y
Cobatl: 0,22y
Paladium: 0,22y
Copper: 0,75y
Tin: 0,73y
Lead: 0,70y
Silver: 0,64y
Nikel: 0,55y
Platinium: 0,17y
Aluminium: 0,40y
Rainbow: 0,11y
Ambrosium: 0,72y
Zanite: 0,35y
Gravitite: 0,13y
Azurite: 0,11y
Fire Meteorite Fire: 0,12y
Ender Ore: 0,11y
Iridium: 0,15y
Vibranium: 0,11
Basic Swords↓
- Copper Sword: Damage: 5
- Tin Sword: Damage: 5.5
- Lead Sword: Damage: 5.5
- Silver Sword: Damage: 6
- Nikel Sword: Damage: 6.5
- Aluminium Sword: Damage: 6.5
- Platinium Sword: Damage: 8
- Iridium Sword: Damage: 9
- Peridot Sword: Damage: 7
- Crystal Sword: Damage: 9.5
- Aquamarine Sword: Damage: 10
- Redstone Sword: Damage: 6.5
- Cobalt Sword : Damage: 7
- Paladinium Sword : Damage: 10
- Peridot Paladium Sword: Damage: 20
- Cobalt Paladium Sword : Damage: 20
- Dark Paladium Sword : Damage: 27
- Sapphire Sword: Damage: 9.5
- Topaz Sword: Damage: 10
- Pink Diamond Sword: Damage : 8
- Ruby Sword: Damage: 11
- Amethyst Sword: Damage: 12.5
- Emerald Sword: Damage: 13
- Obsidian Sword: Damage: 14.5
- Fire sword: Damage: 6.5
- Onyx Sword: Damage: 15
- Steel Sword: Damage 24.5
- Dark Steel Sword: Damage: 30
- Halite Sword: Damage: 16
- Azurite Sword: Damage: 14
- Whiter Sword: Damage : 25.5
- Nether Star Sword: Damage : 36.5
- Rainbow Sword: Damage: 27
- Kyanite Sword: Damage: 12
- Pink Tormaline Crystal Sword: Damage: 15
- Dark Sword: Damage: 26
- Ender Sword: Damage: 31
- Vibranium Sword: Damage: 13
Aether Swords↓
- Ambrosium Sword: Damage: 4.5
- Zanite Sword: Damage: 6.5
- Gravitite Sword: Damage: 8
Meteorites Swords↓
- Fire Meteorite Sword: Damage: 18.5
- Star Meteorite Sword: Damage: 70
Super Swords↓
- Super Wood Sword: Damage: 6
- Super Stone Sword: Damage: 7
- Super Iron Sword: Damage: 12
- Super Gold Sword: Damage: 10.5
- Super Diamond Sword: Damage: 14
- Super Netherite Sword: Damage: 16.5
- Super Sapphire Sword: Damage: 18
- Super Topaz Sword: Damage: 20
- Super Ruby Sword: Damage: 22
- Super Amethyst Sword: Damage:24
- Super Emerald Sword: Damage: 26.5
- Super Obsidian Sword: Damage: 28
- Super Onyx Sword: Damage: 30
- Super Dark Steel Sword: Damage: 40
- Super Rainbow Sword: Damage: 60
Axels And Hammers↓
- Wood Battle Axe: 5
- Stone Battle Axe: 6.5
- Iron Battle Axe: 9.5
- Gold Battle Axe: 7
- Diamond Battle Axe: 12
- Big Hammer: 22
- Attitude Adjuster Hammer: 82
- Ultimate Battle Axe: 90
- Ultimate Queen Battle Axe:160
- Destruction Dark Hammer: 145
Ultimate Swords↓
- Ultimate Sword: 75
- Ultimate Dark Sword: 77
- Ultimate Ruby Sword:40
- Ultimate Amethyst Sword: 45
- Ultimate Emerald Sword: 50
- Nightmare Sword: 85
- Ultimate Rainbow Sword: 100
- Big Bertha Sword: 250
- Royal Guardian Sword: 400
Destructions Swords↓
- Destruction Wood Sword: 15
- Destruction Stone Sword: 20
- Destruction Iron Sword: 25
- Destruction Gold Sword: 24
- Destruction Diamond Sword: 28
- Destruction Netherite Sword: 32
- Destruction Sapphire Sword: 38
- Destruction Topaz Sword: 40
- Destruction Ruby Sword: 44
- Destruction Amethyst Sword: 48
- Destruction Emerald Sword: 54
- Destruction Onyx Sword: 50
- Destruction Obsidian Sword: 60
Legendary Destruction Sword: 240
all weapons have crafts!!!
most of the ores are in the over world, in the nether you can directly find the netherite ore, in the end you can find 3 new ores :).
you can heat miners blocks in the furnace and magma blocks too to generate fire gem and rotten meat to generate leather.
activate the 3 experimental options and the Minecraft education edition