Download Zipped Command - Minecraft PE Addons
MC: Zipped Command
Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons  / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 1118 - Published at: 4 years ago


Compressed command also known as zip command is a function pack that can help you a lot making a map or just use command more easiest.

You know setting up scoreboard is a bit hard if you don’t know how to setup it, or you want to wear yourself or mobs wear an armor and sword but the replaceitem command is too darn long. Well I had those time so I make this function.

Oh btw if you don’t know what is zip mean it’s was the process to make multiple file into one file named zip [the more you know]

This addon (function pack) will compressed some complicated or long command such scoreboard or replaceitem into a function which is easy and short

So one tip if you want to use to other player or mobs use /execute @e/@a [spesific] ~~~ function (function name) 

Here is the Target spesific in case you don’t know

@e= every mobs included player

@a= player

Type= mobs type

Name= only mobs or player with specific name

Tag= entity with a certain tag only

Etc (if you want to know more I suggest you see the wiki) 

Here a few command I zipped (compressed)


/function gear1

(it will make you use full netherite armor and netherite sword in the mainhand) 


/function Gear2

(it will make you use full diamond armor and diamond sword in the mainhand) 


/function Gear5

(it will make you use full iron armor and iron sword in the mainhand) 

The /function gear 3&4 command currently doesn’t working but I will fix it later

There also /function gear6 which will make you wear leather armor and stone sword but I forgot to take the screenshot of the command (pls forgive) 


/function Summondummy

(this summon unique zombie name dummy using skeleton skull which cannot walk and killed) 


/function Scoresetup

(It add a new scoreboard called score and make it already appear on your screen)


/function Addscore

(It’s add the score scoreboard to self, use execute command to to add it to the other people or mobs and also it add 1 count every 1 command /execute if you want to the command doesn’t execute you) 


/function Takescore

(It take 1 count from the score scoreboard use /execute if you want to the command doesn’t execute you) 


/function Moneysetup

(Same as scoresetup, but the display name is money) 


/function Addmoney

(Same as addscore,) 


/function Takemoney

(Same as addscore) 


/function Shhcommand

(It make any command both from chat and command block doesn’t spam the chat)


/function Stopwalk

(Give slowness amplifier 255 making any entity cannot walk, doesn’t work for flying mobs /execute if you want to the command doesn’t execute you) 





(It used for spesific entity command) use /execute





(It will remove tag 1,2,3) 

For now that all


1. Click Download 

2. Wait 5 second and press skip ad

3. If you get redirected to a random site such moshermartin1 just wait and block every pop up if you wait 30 second and still not get redirected your browser may cannot support redirect so change the number from: (example) moshermartin1 to moshermartin5 and done, you should be in the mediafire


