Download WorldEdit Add-on (1.8+ Only) - Minecraft PE Addons
MC: WorldEdit Add-on (1.8+ Only)
Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons  / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 1040 - Published at: 5 years ago


This Bedrock add-on is a yet quite limited WorldEdit in comparison with the WorldEdit mod for Java Edition. It adds 11 commands which will make your building process much easier. For example, by using just one simple command you will be able to fill all water nearby, and another command lets you create a mineshaft.

Creator: the-hex


  • /function clear-100
    Clears the all blocks from where you are standing 100 blocks from each side up 50 blocks. This is a great way to make a clearing in a wooded area.
  • /function level-100
    Levels the ground below your feet 100 blocks in each direction. This is great for filling in a un-even terrain.
  • /function drain
    Drains all water holes 10 blocks in each direction.
  • /function mine
    Creates steps down to a mineshaft, this will create a three wide set of steps 69 blocks deep from your current location, it adds torches along one wall to prevent mob spawning in the shaft.
  • /function mine-rail
    Creates a railway going down 69 blocks, this can be placed to the left or in the middle of a mine command.
  • /function subway-n
    Creates a subway traveling north 100 blocks, subway is 3 blocks wide, 3 blocks tall, powered rails with redstone below, and sealanterns above to prevent mob spawning.
  • /function subway-s
    Creates a subway traveling south 100 blocks, subway is 3 blocks wide, 3 blocks tall, powered rails with redstone below, and sealanterns above to prevent mob spawning.
  • /function subway-e
    Creates a subway traveling east 100 blocks, subway is 3 blocks wide, 3 blocks tall, powered rails with redstone below, and sealanterns above to prevent mob spawning.
  • /function subway-w
    Creates a subway traveling west 100 blocks, subway is 3 blocks wide, 3 blocks tall, powered rails with redstone below, and sealanterns above to prevent mob spawning.
  • /function fence-10
    Surrounds your current location 10 blocks each direction with a fence, this is a great way to collect spanwed animals.
  • /function fence-20
    Surrounds your current location 20 blocks each direction with a fence, this is a great way to collect spanwed animals.

Video Showcase


  1. Download Resources & Behaviors .McAddon
  2. Apply the packs for a world
  3. Create the world

