Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 1551 - Published at: 4 years ago
A normal world? Why not a world with a little more difficulty? And why not try this addon? And add more difficulty to your world! I know you will not regret it, look at it, try it and tell me if you like it or not, I wish you luck.
please read the paragraph that is red, there I will explain something
Very well, this … mmm … I have seen that they have been saying that there are problems with the behavior pack, that the mobs do not appear and I was surprised when reading that, because I said strange, to me when trying it if it worked well for me, unless I have done wrong with the packages before uploading it, and then I will give myself the task of seeing what happens, of seeing why it does not work as you say, so this addon is discontinued by the moment, until I have fixed everything, clearly I will be uploading the update here, so, see you next time, and please be patient, maybe this took a while to see well the errors they say, although before I left, the The textures of the swords of the weapons and new mobs update were only for your representation, I already have some of the normal textures, you can see them below, and then the download link because … it will be updated until it has been fixed everything, so this is everything from me, this does not want d To say that I will not continue doing things, I am also making a map, so now yes, this is all from me and I hope youunderstand and be patient, this is all and until next time !!
Welcome to my addon called World Problems, where you will have new creatures, to add more difficulty to your world, this addon is made for people who like the difficult, since most of the creatures of the addon will attack you, the reason why which the name of the addon, and well the addon brings the following:
12 Mobs:
1). Villager Girl: This villager is the opposite sex of the villagers, she brings no more, she brings the same functions as that of a normal villager.
Life: 20
Speed: 0.5
ID: wp: villager_girl
2). Mutant Squid: A green squid with eyes everywhere? … This creature is a squid that was part of an experiment, which its real name would be “Experiment: wp-02” I think something bad happened that day that I escape … More than something will have happened, but nobody knows why … In short it is a squid a little bigger than normal, we just hope that it does not infect or infect the other squid …
Life: 20
Speed: 0.2
Size: 2
Spawn: Oceanos
Chance of showing up: 100%
Attacks: iron golems, players, villagers, wandering vendors, and snow golems.
Damage: 3
ID: wp: mutant_squid
3). Creepy Creeper: The creepy creeper, a type of fast creeper, almost impossible to escape from it, believe me, you would not stay with him, this is another explorer called “Creeper Guardian” in the attempt to make an artificial creeper that would protect the villagers And humans, nobody knows what happened, or what caused this dangerous creeper, we must admit that it is scary…
Life: 50
Speed: 0.5
Spawn: Caves, Extreme Hills and sheet
Chance of occurrence: 50%
Attacks: Creepers, Iron Golems, Players, Villagers, Wandering Vendors, and Snow Golems
Damage: 10
Attack Speed: 1.25
ID: wp: creepy_creeper
4) Creeper Hurt: A creeper who was attacked … Who will have done this? This creeper is the peaceful version of creepers, good because something attacked him and now he is afraid, but I think you already know who attacked him, the answer I say is easy, in short, you can do your pet and take care of it
Life: 20
Speed: 0.2
Spawn: Taiga, sheet, rivers, plains, ocean, table, jungle, forest, desert and beach
Chance of showing up: 100%
Avoid: Creepers
Can be tamed with: pork and fish
ID: wp: creeper_hurt
5). Creeper Girl: The female version of the creepers, which still explodes, but only explodes when attacked, this means that it is neutral, since it explodes when they start hitting it, which makes it to defend itself, although it never appears anymore but makes him defend himself
Life: 20
Speed: 0.2
Spawn: Taiga, sheet, rivers, plains, ocean, table, jungle, forest, desert and beach
Chance of occurrence: 50%
Avoid: Creepers
ID: wp: creeper_girl
6). Bee Cola: Bee Cola … Another experiment but this time it did come out, people do not know what scientists were thinking about when creating this creature, but it is edible, because it is artificial and does not bring bee things, which only scientists know they always bring a coca cola inside the bee cola, which when killing them drops a coca cola
Life: 10
Speed: 0.3
Spawn: sheet
Chance of showing up: 100%
ID: wp: bee_cola
6.0). Coca Cola: there is another less cruel way, that is not killing the bee cola, is crafting it, and for this you will need, a bottle of water and sugar, and this is the crafting:
7). EnderCrab: The nether crab, a harmless little creature, this naturally is peaceful, even if someone attacks it, they are calm, they are very beautiful and their favorite food or well the only one they eat is the coral fruit (chorus fruit), they love it so much! And you can have them as a pet!
Life: 8
Speed: 0.25
Spawn: The End
Chance of showing up: 100%
Can be tamed with: coral fruit (chorus fruit)
ID: wp: endercrab
8). Thief Villager: we return with the hostiles, the thief villager is a villager who attacks others until he ends the village in order to steal it, this if he meets another, they will attack each other until there is only one left, they are somewhat fast, but not so strong
Life: 20
Speed: 0.5
Spawn: All biomes
Chance of occurrence: 90%
Attack: Iron golems, players, villagers, wandering vendors, and snow golems
Damage: 3
Attack Speed: 1.0
ID: wp: thief_villager
9). Expert Thief Villager: a superior version of the thief villager, because it already has a weapon to attack and it has a little more resistance, this, like the thief villager, attacks the other expert thief villagers, people say they are the guardians or scientists from the laboratory where the creepy creeper and the mutant squid happened with the costumes of the guardians of the place, but another says that they really are thieves who went to steal there to get the costumes of the guardians and have a little more than resistance
Life: 24
Speed: 0.35
Spawn: all biomes
Chance of occurrence: 50%
Attack: Iron golems, players, villagers, wandering vendors, and snow golems
Damage: 8
Attack speed: 1
ID: wp: expert_thief_villager
10). Forest Monster: It looks like an enderman, but it is not, meet the forest monster, a large strong creature that attacks humans or villagers that appears on your way, they are mortal and large, a dangerous creature that no one wants to meet and be killed by this
Life: 100
Speed: 0.2
Spawn: Forest
Chance of occurrence: 50%
Attack: Iron golems, players, villagers, wandering vendors, and snow golems
Damage: 7
Attack speed: 1.0
ID: wp: forest_monster
11). Box Slime: Another totally harmless and calm creature, this is a type of slime that serves as a box, it does not attack anyone and you can tame it without it attacking you, it is not neutral
Life: 20
Speed: 0.2
Spawn: plains
Chance of showing up: 100%
Can be tamed with: pan xd
12). Mecha Destroyer (Boss): We arrived at the last mob of the addon (for the moment) which is a boss named Mecha Destroyer, a powerful boss who is somewhat difficult to find, but you still don’t want to do it, many people are saying that this was the causing the escape of the mutant squid and the creepy creeper, but chances are good that something else has.
Life: 200
Speed: 0.25
Spawn: desert
Chance of occurrence: 10%
Attack: Iron golems, players, villagers, wandering vendors, and snow golems
Damage: 29
Attack speed: 1.0
Ranged attack:
– throw fireballs
-attack speed when casting: 3
-Attack ratio: 15
-burst shots: 1
-burst interval: 0.5
ID: wp: mecha_destroyer
What’s new?
New mobs
1). Behemotonger: A giant beast, originating from the distant table biome, this giant creature is said to be the ancestors of the Ravagers and that this is the only one alive, since in appearance they are similar but still exists, which was discarded that theory and it is already known that he is a familiar giant of the Ravager, hopefully Pixelaboratory managed to study perfectly who was nicknamed “Behemotonger” and here are his data
Life: 150
Speed: 0.1
Spawn: Mesa
Probability of appearing: 10
Attacks: Wandering Players, Villagers, and Vendors
ID: wp: behemotonger
2). Redrus: A strange and hostile red sea creature, this creature lives in the water and always prefers to be on the beaches, unless they want to go explore other beaches, but you will always find them on the beaches, and they are hostile since in their research came to attack someone, hopefully it didn’t kill him, but be warned to be careful
Life: 30
Speed: 0.12
Spawn: beach
Probability of appearing: 100
Attacks: Wandering Players, Villagers, and Vendors
Damage: 5
ID: wp: redrus
3). Pixelaboratory Zombie: A zombie, in a suit from Pixelaboratory scientists, someone who suffered and was a victim of the laboratory accident, however, this brings you something good, his id card or identification card, which will help you to get a mighty sword
Life: 20
Speed: 0.2
Spawn: Desert, jungle, table, plains, sheet and taiga
Chance of occurrence: 50
Attack: Iron Golem, players, villagers, wandering vendors, and snow golems
Damage: 3
ID: wp: pixelaboratoryzombie
4). Llamatherium: A close relative to the flames, who would say it, this creature is a close relative of the llamas, who managed to survive for years and is still alive today, many have tried to hunt or catch it to sell it to earn money, however Pixelaboratory He took care of that and now his hunting has been avoided, many got angry protested and Pixelaboratory replied: “we avoid hunting this INOFFENSIVE creature so that it does not go extinct, but if you want to hunt and earn money, do it with the behemotonger”
Which no one did
Life: 30
Speed: 0.25
Spawn: Plains
Probability of appearing: 80
Can be mounted
ID: wp: llamatherium
5). Ecto Slime: Another slime, but it flies like crazy, this is the result of the attempt to combine a slime with a skeleton and a phantom, which was supposedly done to scare thieves, it doesn’t hurt you, it throws bottles of water for some reason, but if you’re stuck to it, it can take your life
Life: 50
Speed: 0.2
Spawn: Taiga
Probability of appearing: 60
Attack: Iron Golem, players, villagers, wandering vendors, and snow golems
Damage: 3
Ranged attack:
-Attack speed: 3
-attack radius: 15
-burst shots: 1
-burst interval: 0.5
-Throws you: Splash Potion
ID: wp: ecto_slime
6). Test Subject: The Test sub -… Wait a minute, why is this alive and the scientists are not? … I don’t know … How strange … Hmm … But well, the subject test that for some reason managed to survive the accident of the Pixelaboratory laboratories and that today they are looking for houses, although most are killed by hostile creatures, but some succeed, even some have even created villages
Life: 20
Speed: 0.5
Spawn: Plains
Chance of occurrence: 50
Can you use it as a test subject for your own experiments ?: yes
ID: wp: test_subject
7). Armadon: a giant armadillo with … With … panda ears ?, ahhhh ok, the armadon is like an armadillo combined with a panda, it seems strange, but it is harmless, and you can be with it without the risk that you I got to attack this creature
Life: 90
Speed: 0.15
Spawn: Jungle
Probability of appearing: 90
ID: wp: armadon
8). Giant Abysal Turtle: The giant of the ocean, discovered by Pixelaboratory in 1995 (not in real life to be clear) the same year that Behemotonger, this beautiful giant sea creature was discovered, was just discovered, people started that It was the biblical creature Leviathan, but the scientists said no and that it was a type of turtle but giant, it can last a long time without eating since this for some reason, something that other turtles do not have, can store a lot of food and that it lasts time inside the turtle, nobody knows how it does it and many scientists are trying to know why
Life: 300
Speed: 0.1
Spawn: Ocean
Probability of appearing: 1
Can be mounted
ID: wp: giant_abysal_turtle
9). Boss Thief: The boss of the Thief Villagers, this will not attack you since he will try to trade with you with the things that his thieves got, only he tries not to trade for things that are not worth it
Life: 20
Speed: 0.5
Spawn: desert and plains
Probability of appearing: 5
ID: wp: boss_thief
10). Slantander: The little slantander, it seems harmless, but it is not, a faithful companion for the behemotonger, it is hostile which as much as you want to have it in a pet’s house, that is not recommended
Life: 6
Speed: 0.1
Spawn: table
Probability of appearing: 80
Attack: Iron golem, players, villagers, wandering vendors, and snow golems
Damage: 3
ID: wp: slantander
11). Phantom Hell: The phantom of the nether, the underground relative of the phantom, this one is already a little more resistant than the normal phantom since it has more life than the normal one, but they have the same damage both, of this one cannot say much like this now come your data
Life: 50
Speed: 1.8
Spawn: Nether (hell)
Chance of occurrence: 50
Attacks: Players
Damage: 6
ID: wp: phantom_hell
12). End Snake: the flying snake at the end that I don’t know why it flies but well, what about this one? It is an end snake and nothing else, apart from being hostile but from there nothing else
Life: 20
Speed: 1.8
Spawn: The End
Chance of occurrence: 50
Attacks: players
Damage: 6
ID: wp: end_snake
13). Robot Fox: a robot fox, is it pretty, isn’t it? This robot fox can only be obtained in creative, which means that it will not spawn in biomes, but a way to achieve it in survival will be added soon
Life: 20
Speed: 0.3
Attacks: Monsters
Damage: 2
ID: wp: robot_fox
14). Nether Golem: The nether of the golem … I say the nether golem, a hostile creature that lives in the hot areas of the nether that every player who approached him will be attacked by this creature
Life: 100
Speed: 0.25
Spawn: Nether (hell)
Probability of appearing: 80
Attacks: Players, Villagers, Wandering Vendors, and Snow Golems
Damage: 25
ID: wp: nether_golem
15). Stinflay: The phantomraya, a combination between a manta ray and a phantom, this strange creature was created by nature itself, which is not known how this creature arose, it is hostile, since I end up having a hostile gene and it attacks you, at just like fish
Life: 20
Speed: 1.8
Spawn: Ocean
Probability of appearing: 100
Attacks: fish and players
Damage: 6
ID: wp: stinflay
16). Sun Crawler: ujujuju my favorite without a doubt, the sun crawler is a hostile arthropod mob, they like mountains, so you will only find them in the extreme hills biome and there is little probability that a small group of them will appear
Life: 60
Speed: 0.3
Spawn: Extreme Hills
Chance of occurrence: 50
Attack: iron golem, players, villagers, wandering vendors, and snow golems
Damage: 3
ID: wp: sun_crawler
17). Radioactive villager: this villager has something, he has that suit for something, don’t you think it has to do with something?
Life: 20
Speed: 0.5
Spawn: mushroom islands and mushroom shore
Probability of appearing: 80
ID: wp: radioactive_villager
18). Extreme Hills Monster: The extreme hills monster, a dangerous creature that usually walks in groups, something that many would not want to be killed by this creature, apart from being ugly
Life: 100
Speed: 0.25
Spawn: Extreme Hills
Probability of appearing: 10
Attack: iron golem, players, villagers, wandering vendors, and snow golems
Damage: 21
ID: wp: extreme_hills_monster
19). End Villager: a villager from the end? What else could you expect? If there are pigmans in the nether, why not enderman-faced villagers? What else can be said about these, they are like villagers, but with fair trade, I would say
Life: 20
Speed: 0.5
Spawn: The End
Probability of appearing: 100
Only 3 trades appear for each one, there is luck that you find what you need
ID: wp: end_villager
20). Mystery Merchant: Hmmmm … This is important, why ?, because with this you can get the most powerful weapon of all, but finding it is difficult since its spawn percentage is low, but if you find it, do not lose sight of it
Life: 20
Speed: 0.5
Spawn: Beach
Probability of appearing: 10
Bosses: only the images will be shown, I still cannot give the complete information of these mobs
Items and weapons
1). Abysal Esmerald
ID: wp: abysal_esmerald
(Sorry about the resolution but as you know, they are the size of the minecraft images and the images with the good resolution I don’t have them anymore, well some do but others don’t, so you will have to see these)
Can be obtained with mobs: End Villager (trading), Mystery Merchant (trading), Pixelaboratory Zombies (killing them) and mutant squid (killing them)
2). Monster gem
ID: wp: monster_gem
Can be obtained with mobs: Mystery Merchant (trading), Mecha Destroyer (Killing him), End Villager (trading)
3). Pixelaboratory Id Card
ID: wp: pixelaboratory_id_card
Can be obtained with mobs: mystery merchant (trading), Pixelaboratory zombies (killing him) and end villagers (trading)
4). Key
ID: wp: key
It can be obtained with the items: Id Card Check, Pixelaboratory id card and Key in box
5). Id Card Check
ID: wp: id_card_check
Can be obtained with mobs: mystery merchant (trading)
6). Key in box
ID: wp: key_in_box
Can be obtained with mobs: mystery merchant (trading)
7). Mini Reinforced Box
ID: wp: Mini_reinforced_box
Can be obtained with the following mobs: mystery merchant (trading)
8). Metal Tecnolgy Ingot
ID: wp: metal_tecnology_ingot
It can be obtained with the items: key and Mini reinforced box
9). Chip box
ID: wp: chip_box
Can be obtained with mobs: mystery merchant (trading)
10). Chip
ID: wp: chip
It can be obtained with the items: key and chip box
Can be obtained with the following mobs: end villager (trading)
12). Galactic gem
ID: wp: galactic_gem
Can be obtained with mobs: end villager (trading)
13). Monster killer
ID: wp: monster_killer
Its crafting is as follows:
Durability: 1000
Damage: 100
14). Abysal Sword
ID: wp: abysal_sword
Its crafting is as follows:
Durability: 1000
Damage: 50
15). Wadana
ID: wp: wadana
Its crafting is as follows:
Durability: 1000
Damage: 100
16). Diamond Wadana
ID: wp: diamond_wadana
His crafting is as follows:
Durability: 1000
Damage: 100
Effects: instant damage
18). Galactic Sword
ID: wp: galactic_sword
Its crafting is as follows:
Durability: 100000
Damage: 999
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We reach the final sword, where I will explain how to get the Tecno Sword P.L. (Pixelaboratory)
Durability: 1000000000000
Damage: 10,000
Effects: Village hero, invisibility, night vision, stamina and strength
Alright, let’s go to your procedure.
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Below I will show you the trades of the Mystery Merchant and I want you to have it in mind
Ok, first you will have to go hunting the mutant squid or the Pixelaboratory Zombies or go for emeralds, the emeralds for the abysal emerald and the thing to go hunting is to have the abysal emerald at once
Very well, once that is done, you go to the mystery merchant and give him 4 abysal emerald for a monster gem
Then you trade it for the key in box (do not lose this item) the most recommended is to get 8 abysal emerald to have two monster gem and have at once two key in box
Then you do an abysal sword and trade it for an id card check
Then, if you preferred to kill Pixelaboratory zombie, you have to have a Pixelaboratory id card, go, you will need that and what you will do is, make or use a crafting table and do the following:
With this you will unlock the key, if you have two of each of the items that are seen in the capture, the better
Then you will need a Wadana and you will exchange it for a mini reinforced box
When you already have the mini reinforced box and the key, you will do this on the crafting table:
You will get the metal tecnology ingot (don’t lose it either)
Then you will need 10 Monster gem and you will exchange them for a chip box and then you will do the following on the crafting table:
You will get the chip (don’t lose it too)
Do you already have the metal technology ingot and the chip? If you already have it, now you will need redstone (dust, not block) only one and you will do this on the crafting table:
AND READY! You already have the techno sword! This is the whole procedure and I hope you enjoy this sword: grinning:
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Additional features:
New Food: Burger
The songs on the menu, two from the creative, two from the survival and others have been changed:
These are the ones that were changed:
-credits (from end)
-disc 13
-chirp disk
Diamond and gold armor and some squares have been modified:
The sky, the sun and the moon too
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And well this is it, I hope you like the addon and tell me if you like it or not, and with nothing more to say, until next time !!
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