Download Wither Skeleton - Mobs
MC: Wither Skeleton
Category:MC Unit Item  / Mobs
Viewed: 1020 - Published at: 5 years ago


Wither Skeletons are dangerous hostile mobs and one of the few mobs that can sprint, and that spawn in Nether fortresses. Wither skeletons are the Nether equivalent of skeletons. Wither skeletons are three blocks tall, use stone swords and, like other Nether mobs, are immune to fire. When attacked by a wither skeleton, the player is inflicted with the Wither effect for 10 seconds, which darkens the health bar and gradually damages the player over time. When killed, wither skeletons can drop bones and coal, and have a rarer chance to drop their stone sword and a 2.5% (1/40th) chance to drop their skull. Wither skeletons can also pick up items, weapons, tools, and armor, similar to other undead mobs.


Nether Fortresses at light level 7 or less

