Download Waving Leaves and Water!V3 (Added Animated Flowers, Crops and Plants) - Minecraft PE Texture Packs
MC: Waving Leaves and Water!V3 (Added Animated Flowers, Crops and Plants)
Category:Minecraft PE Texture Packs
Viewed: 1131 - Published at: 4 years ago


Vanilla minecraft isn’t that much lively but this pack will bring life to Leaves, Plants, flowers, crops and Water!!! 

This pack simply gives leaves , plants, flowers,crops and water a waving animation which looks pretty cool and lively. It is also pretty FPS friendly so those who cannot use shaders should probably use this!

There are already some texture packs that do this but this one is Special because it works in both Phone and Windows 10!!

This texture pack adds waving animation to all leaves (except jungle) some plants and water AND

Animations to flowers , crops and other plants like saplings and water lily, the Grass block also has a swaying animation when you look closely.

List of things that wave:

-Vines,sugar cane,Tall fern,fern,Tall grass,grass,all leaves except jungle, stems of melon and pumpkin.

-Flowers , crops and other plants.


Note: The reason why leaves and flowers,crops and other plants have such difference in between them is because leaves and grass use shaders while flower, crops and other plants use Flipbook Animations 16X

I will make the animations better when i dont have anything else to work on cuz making animations on 16X while still keeping them neat is time consuming.

Watch this video to see all the waving animations:



If you cant go through the ads then contact me on my discord, Ahmad Ramzan#9525

But it can take a day for me to reply.

THERE is currently a bug in which texture pack applied to new world dont work to fix this simply go to world settings remove the pack then go back and again open world settings and apply the texture pack again. This will fix the problem.
I am the CREATOR of this pack and you are not allowed it to publish it anywhere without permission. If you want to make a video with/about this texture pack then give the link to this page NOT THE DIRECT DOWNLOAD LINK.
If you want to publish it on some other website then you need my permission or i will take necessary actions.

Also when i uploaded this pack first ,I messed up and uploaded my PERSONAL texture pack in which i have combined multiple texture packs from other creators and only use that PERSONALLY IN MY OWN WORLDS. I didn’t meant to upload that and only noticed after some comments were saying that i am using esbe shader,custom sounds etc. Now the download link has been updated and you can download the Waving leaves and plants only. Sorry for the inconvenience.



When you click on the link , adfly page will open Wait for 5 seconds and click SKIP AD, do not click anything else.

Then a new page will open , if it isn't then close it and go to page

It will say ALLOW NOTIFICATION , and a pop up will keep coming , just ignore that and keep clicking BLOCK OR DENY , the page will refresh several times and you will be automatically redirected to Mediafire from there download the pack and open it , it will automatically import to your minecraft.


