Download Wavey’s Vanilla+ - Minecraft PE Texture Packs
MC: Wavey’s Vanilla+
Category:Minecraft PE Texture Packs
Viewed: 1211 - Published at: 4 years ago


    Wavey’s Vanilla+ is a resource pack that improves on Minecraft’s default textures (for example, by adding ore variants, gilded netherite, more unique item textures), and also fixes naming inconsistencies / errors (for example by adding all Java rarity colors).

    Wavey’s Vanilla+ is a resource pack that improves on Minecraft’s default textures and naming conventions, while trying to keep everything looking as vanilla as possible. For example, all ores that were left without variants (iron, coal, redstone, and gold) in the base game’s textures have each been given unique shapes and vein formations on their texture. Many inconsistencies with item names have been changed as well.

Tool Changes (stone unchanged):

    Wood is primative.

    Iron is rusty.

    Gold is melted.

    Diamond is pure.

    Netherite is gilded.

Examples of name changes:

    Polished Blackstone Bricks (all variants) -> Blackstone Bricks

    Melon -> Melon Slice (two items were called melon; block and slice)

    Stained Glass (all types) -> (Color) Glass (eg White Glass / White Glass Pane)

    Nether Wart / Warped Wart Block -> Crimson / Warped Mushroom Cap (generate as     “leaves” on nether trees, while no nether trees have any relation to nether wart and there     is no “warped wart” in the game.

    All cooked foods -> Various dish names (eg Muttonchops)

    Sugar Canes -> Sugar Cane

    All rare items have their correct rarity colors, for example the Totem of Undying and     Heart of the Sea.

Screenshots (changed items):

This is my first resource pack! I hope you enjoy


