Download Vanilla RTX Resource Pack - Minecraft PE Texture Packs
MC: Vanilla RTX Resource Pack
Category:Minecraft PE Texture Packs
Viewed: 1392 - Published at: 4 years ago


Homa RTX is a Vanilla based RTX texture pack allowing you to turn Ray tracing ON in your worlds.

Features Brighter nether, Glowing ores, Glowing Lapis/Redstone Block, Overall more light sources like: honeycomb block, Honey block & more…

Light grey glazed terracotta is Mirror block.

Torches/Glowstone/Sea lantern/Lava Emit lots of light.

Clear glass, good for playing with Light.

Almost every block stays identical to Vanilla textures


Glowing ores (Including nether ores) And crying obsidian.

Crimson forests, shroomlight #HomaRTX

Overworld, sea. #MinecraftRTX

Soul sand valley, Lava. #MinecraftRTX

Brighter Nether. #MinecraftRTX

End portal.

“This texture packs main goal is being a Base for future releases of Many different packs, which should be used over this pack”

Please Read Before Downloading:

  • You are not allowed to re-post this texture pack on any other website.
  • You are not allowed to share this texture pack with your own links.
  • You are allowed to use it in your videos, But name texture pack somewhere in the video, or leave a link somewhere.
  • You are allowed to modify this texture pack for your personal use only.
  • You are not allowed to use this texture pack as a template. (Unless I give permission, contact me via Discord.)

If You have any Questions, or want something to change let me know in comments!

If this texture pack made you happy or helped out, you can make me happy by downloading with Support creator link



This texture pack will NOT work with Android/iOS devices or current Consoles, Only Minecraft Windows 10 Edition RTX BETA on a PC with at least a RTX 2060 GPU or Next gen consoles such as Xbox series X.

Steps to install/use:

  • Download the pack
  • Double click the download .mcpack file
  • Activate texture pack in settings
  • Enter any world
  • Turn ray tracing on in settings (should be turned on by default)

If you have trouble downloading with support creator link you can watch a quick video below:

Watch here


