Download Vanilla Minecraft Dungeons Gear Texture Pack - Minecraft PE Texture Packs
MC: Vanilla Minecraft Dungeons Gear Texture Pack
Category:Minecraft PE Texture Packs
Viewed: 1298 - Published at: 4 years ago


This texture pack retextures existing Minecraft gear to their Minecraft Dungeons counterparts. Items like gold swords, crossbows, and diamond pickaxes will how new textures you might be familiar with if you know Minecraft Dungeons.

These are the textures that were changed:

Gold Sword:

Gold Axe:

Stone Sword: 

Iron Sword: 

Diamond Sword: 

Iron Axe: 

Iron Pickaxe: 

Diamond Pickaxe:



Shield is retextured to look like the royal guard shield from Minecraft Dungeons.

(Addons used in the photos: Dungeons Replicas, Minecraft Dungeons Armor Addon.)

NOTE: Stealing is prohibited because these textures were made by us and we own them. And publishing this on other sites or apps is NOT allowed. If you want to use this in a video, credit us by the MCPEDL page NOT the Mediafire link. Enjoy!

Credits to: Chez#4986 for helping me create this texture pack! And importing the textures to the game!


