Download Vanilla A1 - Minecraft PE Addons
MC: Vanilla A1
Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons  / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 1127 - Published at: 5 years ago


Are you into simple games? Does Minecraft sometimes seem inconsistent? Well look no further as the ‘Vanill A1’ addon is here! This simple-but-very-useful addon will help to standardize most of the game and make it simpler, more consistent, and easier to understand all while keeping the core aspect of the game the same.

Vanilla A1 improved everything editable within an addon. From loot tables to entity behavior, this addon covers it all. Each file is inspected and edited to become standardized and improved all while keeping the core aspect of the file the same. Key parts of the documentation are listed below so you can understand what is being done. A complete documentation is included as a download as well. More features and updates will be available consistently. Feedback is also greatly appreciated!

Excerpt of VA1 Version 1 Changelog:

Version one includes only the first part of the addon. Fishing loot tables, items, and some entities have been implemented.



-Use duration: varying -> 16 

-Nutrition: varying -> 2 

Raw meats: 

-Use duration: varying -> 32 

-Nutrition: varying -> 4 

Cooked meats: 

-Use duration: varying -> 32 

-Nutrition: varying -> 8 


-Use duration: 32 -> 64 

-Nutrition: varying -> 10 

-Can stack to 64 



-Standardized fish drop rates (fish: 40%, salmon: 30%, clownfish: 10%, pufferfish: 20%) 

-Jungle fish drop rates (all: 50%) 

-Improved junk and treasure 




Common changes: 

-“hurt_on_condition:lava”: 4 -> 2 

-“hurt_on_condition:drowning”: 1 -> 2 

-“leashable:soft_distance”: 4.0 -> 5.0 

-“leashable:hard_distance”: 6.0 -> 5.0 

-Age time: 1200 -> 24000 

-Tameable: 0.33% -> 0.25% 

-Follow owner stop distance: 2 -> 1 

-Spawn  weight [for the most part, there will be higher chances of spawning babies/other variants of mobs (if applicable)] 


-Attack damage: 6 -> 4 

-Movement speed: 0.23 -> 0.20 

-Follow range: 48 -> 50 

-Attack range: 48 -> 50 

-Attack interval min: 3 -> 10 

-Attack interval max: 5 -> 10 

-Attack radius: 16 -> 20 

-Burst shots: 3 -> 6 

-Burst interval: 0.3 -> 0.5 


-Attack distance: 8 -> 10 

-Tempt radius: 16 -> 20 

-Walk speed: 0.8 -> 0.5 

-Sprint speed: 1.33 -> 1.25 

Cave spider: 

-Aggro distance: 16 -> 20 

-Poison duration normal: 7 -> 10 

-Health points: 12 -> 10 

-Movement speed: 0.3 -> 0,5 

-Look distance: 6.0 -> 10.0 


-Min egg lay time: 300 -> 250 

-Max egg lay time: 600 -> 500 

-Health points: 4 -> 6 

-Avoid damage blocks: true -> false 


-Fuse length: 1.5 -> 2.0 

-Charged creeper fused length: 1.5 -> 4.0 

-Charged creeper causes fire: false -> true 

-Creeper forced fuse length: 1.5 -> 10.0 

-Forced explode creeper causes fire: false -> true 

-Charged creeper forced fuse length: 1.5 -> 10.0 

-Forced explode charged creeper causes fire: false -> true 

-Nearby sensor inside range: 2.5 -> 3.0 

-Max aggro distance: 16 -> 10 


-Anger broadcast range: 16 -> 20 

-Player look distance: 6 -> 10 

-Follow range: 48 -> 50 

-Attack damage: 3 -> 4 


-Ageable items: edited growth per all items 

-Golden carrot temper mod: 5 -> 10 

-Inventory size: 16 -> 27 

-Health range min: 15 -> 20 

-Healable items: all editied 

Complete Changelog Direct Download

And more to come soon…

(Please suggest in the comments what you’d like to see improved or added in future updates and I will get to them as soon as possible!)


Follow the link to the download website and open the .mcpack file into your game.


