MC: Useful Sides Add-on (1.12+)
Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 997 - Published at: 5 years ago
Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 997 - Published at: 5 years ago
Blocks have their own sides and it’s a shame that we can’t use them the way we want to all the time, so this add-on gives you that possibility! The “Useful sides” add-on adds 134 blocks that uses almost every vanilla texture that would seem decorative, it also brings back some alpha textures and hidden blocks.
Crafting recipes!
To craft these blocks, place the block in the center and place the chisel wherever you want, experiment with it!
See the video here!
All items:
- chisel = Chisel – used to craft every side for the blocks of this add-on
- alpha_scroll = Alpha scroll – used to craft the old version of the gravel from the alpha days
All blocks:
- trapped_planks_oak = Trapped oak planks
- trapped_planks_spruce = Trapped spruce planks
- trapped_planks_birch = Trapped birch planks
- trapped_planks_jungle = Trapped jungle planks
- trapped_planks_acacia = Trapped acacia planks
- trapped_planks_dark_oak = Trapped dark oak planks
- trapped_iron_block = Trapped iron block
- crying_obsidian = Crying obsidian
- build_allow = Build allow
- build_deny = Build deny
- border = Border
- tnt_top = TNT (top)
- tnt_side = TNT (side)
- tnt_bottom = TNT (bottom)
- new_stone_cutter_top = Stone cutter (new, top)
- new_stone_cutter_bottom = Stone cutter (new, bottom)
- new_stone_cutter_side = Stone cutter (new, side)
- old_stone_cutter_top = Stone cutter (old, top)
- old_stone_cutter_side = Stone cutter (old, side)
- gravel_old = Gravel (old)
- smoker_top = Smoker (top)
- smoker_side = Smoker (side)
- smoker_front = Smoker (§front)
- smoker_bottom = Smoker (bottom)
- smithing_table_top = Smithing table (top)
- smithing_table_side = Smithing table (side)
- smithing_table_front = Smithing table (§front)
- smithing_table_bottom = Smithing table (bottom)
- anvil_base = Anvil (base)
- repeater_base = Repeater (base)
- comparator_base = Comparator (base)
- brewing_stand_base = Brewing stand (base)
- sand_cobblestone = Sand cobblestone
- red_sand_cobblestone = Red sand cobblestone
- quartz_chiseled_top = Chiseled quartz (top)
- quartz_pillar_top = Quartz pillar (top)
- purpur_pillar_top = Purpur pillar (top)
- pumpkin_top = Pumpkin (top)
- pumpkin_front = Pumpkin (front)
- pumpkin_side = Pumpkin (side)
- piston_top_sticky = Piston (sticky, top)
- piston_top_normal = Piston (normal, top)
- piston_bottom = Piston (bottom)
- piston_inner = Piston (inner)
- stone_slab_side = Stone slab (side)
- observer_top = Observer (top)
- observer_side = Observer (side)
- observer_front = Observer (front)
- observer_back = Observer (back)
- melon_top = Melon (top)
- melon_side = Melon (side)
- loom_top = Loom (top)
- loom_side = Loom (side)
- loom_front = Loom (front)
- loom_bottom = Loom (bottom)
- lectern_top = Lectern (top)
- slt_oak = Stripped oak log (top)
- slt_spruce = Stripped spruce log (top)
- slt_birch = Stripped birch log (top)
- slt_jungle = Stripped jungle log (top)
- slt_acacia = Stripped acacia log (top)
- slt_dark_oak = Stripped dark oak log (top)
- lt_oak = Oak log (top)
- lt_spruce = Spruce log (top)
- lt_birch = Birch log (top)
- lt_jungle = Jungle log (top)
- lt_acacia = Acacia log (top)
- lt_dark_oak = Dark oak log (top)
- jukebox_top = Jukebox (top)
- jukebox_side = Jukebox (side)
- itemframe_background = Item frame (background)
- hopper_inside = Hopper (inside)
- hopper_outside = Hopper (outside)
- hay_block_top = Hay block (top)
- hay_block_side = Hay block (side)
- grass_path_top = Grass path (top)
- furnace_top = Furnace (top)
- furnace_side = Furnace (side)
- furnace_front = Furnace (front)
- nrc_old_0 = Nether reactor core (old, phase 0)
- nrc_old_1 = Nether reactor core (old, phase 1)
- nrc_2 = Nether reactor core (phase 2)
- nrc_new_0 = Nether reactor core (new, phase 0)
- nrc_new_1 = Nether reactor core (new, phase 1)
- fletching_table_top = Fletching table (top)
- fletching_table_side = Fletching table (side)
- fletching_table_front = Fletching table (front)
- farmland_dry = Farmland (dry, top)
- farmland_wet = Farmland (wet, top)
- end_portal_frame_top = End portal frame (top)
- trapped_chest_front = Trapped chest (front)
- enchanting_table_top = Enchanting table (top)
- ender_chest_top = Ender chest (top)
- ender_chest_side = Ender chest (side)
- ender_chest_front = Ender chest (front)
- dropper_facing_horizontal = Dropper (horizontal)
- dropper_facing_vertical = Dropper (vertical)
- dried_kelp_top = Dried kelp (top)
- dried_kelp_side = Dried kelp (side)
- dispenser_facing_horizontal = Dispenser (horizontal)
- dispenser_facing_vertical = Dispenser (vertical)
- grass_top = Grass (top)
- mycelium_top = Mycelium (top)
- podzol_top = Podzol (top)
- dayd_bottom = Daylight detector (bottom)
- dayd_top = Daylight detector (top, normal)
- dayd_top_inverted = Daylight detector (top, inverted)
- crafting_table_top = Crafting table (top)
- crafting_table_side = Crafting table (side)
- crafting_table_front = Crafting table (front)
- composter_side = Composter (side)
- composter_bottom = Composter (bottom)
- chorus_plant_side = Chorus plant (side)
- chorus_flower_side = Chorus flower (side)
- chorus_flower_side_dead = Chorus flower (side, dead)
- chest_top = Chest (top)
- chest_side = Chest (side)
- chest_front = Chest (front)
- ct_top = Cartography table (top)
- ct_side1 = Cartography table (side 1)
- ct_side2 = Cartography table (side 2)
- ct_side3 = Cartography table (side 3)
- bookshelf_side = Bookshelf (side)
- bone_block_top = Bone block (top)
- bone_block_side = Bone block (side)
- blast_furnace_top = Blast furnace (top)
- blast_furnace_side = Blast furnace (side)
- blast_furnace_front = Blast furnace (front)
- beacon_side = Beacon (side)
- barrel_top_closed = Barrel (top, closed)
- barrel_top_opened = Barrel (top, opened)
- barrel_top_opened_fish = Barrel (top, opened, fish)
- barrel_side = Barrel (side)
- barrel_bottom = Barrel (bottom)
- This add-on is updated to the latest beta.
- If you want to review/make a video about this content, at least credit me in the video/description
- Don't use your own link, use the proper link on MCPEDL
- If you wish to use this for your content, at least credit me.
Roller Coaster Maps 0.11.2 Seeds Custom Terrain Maps .McTemplate 1.2+ Seeds 0.13.0+ Seeds 1.0.0+ Seeds 1.2.1 Seeds Adventure Maps 0.11.1 Seeds