Download Tutorial World Recreation - Minecraft PE Maps
MC: Tutorial World Recreation
Category:Minecraft PE Maps
Viewed: 1240 - Published at: 4 years ago


The world is supposed to feel like the tutorial worlds from back in the old Xbox 360 days. There is a music disk hunt, and random buildings scattered around the map. Everything that made the old school tutorial worlds fun and cool is here to see but in a newer form. Even a building from one of the older worlds is here to see. 


To install the world, you want to click on the ".mcpack" link. It will take you to a adfly webpage. It should tell you to click accept on a popup that should appear. If it doesn't appear, just keep refreshing the page until it lets you into the Mediafire page. Once in the Mediafire page just click on download and it should download. Now click on the download .mcworld file and it should open Minecraft and start installing the world into your game. The world should be in your "worlds" tab in the play button. 


