MC: TooManyRecipes Mod (Android)
Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons
Viewed: 860 - Published at: 5 years ago
Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons
Viewed: 860 - Published at: 5 years ago
This is a mod for Android users which give you access to 34 new recipes which can be used for crafting everything from command blocks to horse armors. All of the recipes are for items or blocks which previously had no crafting recipes. It’s very useful in case you want an easy way to obtain some of these blocks in survival mode.
Creator: SlapDashMC
How does it work?
The crafting works just the same way as it did before. Further down on this page you will find a list of the blocks and items which have new crafting recipes.
- Gold ore
- Iron ore
- Coal ore
- Lapis ore
- Deadbushes
- Diamond ore
- Redstone ore
- Lit redstone ore
- Unlit redstone torch
- Ice
- Fire
- Monster Egg
- Mushroom block
- Mushroom block
- Mycelium
- Command block
- Nether quartz ore
- Packed ice
- Repeating command block
- Chain command block
- Frosted ice
- Podzol
- Stone cutter
- Glowing obsidian
- Nether reactor
- Chain helmet
- Chain breastplate
- Chain leggings
- Chain boots
- Iron horsearmor
- Gold horsearmor
- Diamond horsearmor
- Command block minecart
Important: This is an Android mod which requires BlockLauncher.
0.10.0+ Seeds 0.14.0+ Seeds 128x128 0.16.0+ Seeds 0.14.2 Seeds 0.9.0+ Seeds 0.13.2 Seeds 0.15.1 Seeds 0.12.2 Seeds 16x16