Download ThrivingBadLands - Minecraft PE Maps
MC: ThrivingBadLands
Category:Minecraft PE Maps
Viewed: 1380 - Published at: 4 years ago


Early one morning many years ago in the scorched badlands the ground began to tremble and shake furiously before anyone could blink mesa pillars started to shoot up and out from below the barren surface chunks with unbelievible force soaring through the clouds reaching the untouched blue skys bringing water and life from below back to the dying surface.


By downloading my terrain map you agree that if you use this map in social content sharing platforms you must give credits and link back here on you may not create your own download link for the original map 

Aslong as you agree to  the terms of use above you may use my map in any of your public projects! dont forget to link me to your series or creations id love to see what you guys make and do with my terrain


