MC: The Xyurfire Skinpack (Very Pog)
Category:Minecraft Skin Packs
Viewed: 1474 - Published at: 4 years ago
Category:Minecraft Skin Packs
Viewed: 1474 - Published at: 4 years ago
Hey guys! Have you ever wanted to wear the skin of everyone’s favorite Youtuber, Xyurfire? Well you’re in luck! This skinpack has all the skins I have ever used. They are all custom made with great detail.
Here is how the skinpack looks in the skin editor:
Herobrine Variant (main skin)
Normal Eyes:
Soldier (128x skin, may not work on some servers):
Weird and derpy smile (great for trolling):
Backwards skin (great for trapping):
If you like the texture pack featured here, then here is the link:
Click here to SUBSCRIBE to my Youtube Channel!
- Download
- Press on it and should automatically import
- If it does not automatically import, then rename the file from .mcpack to .zip, then unzip to the skin packs folder storage/games/com.mojang/skinpacks
- Open Minecraft, and from the main screen go to Profile under your character
- Press Edit Character
- Press on the second tab (has multiple people in the symbol)
- Press on Owned
- The Skinpack should be listed right there.
Android Mod 0.15.6 Seeds 0.11.0+ Seeds 0.11.1 Seeds 1.0.7 Seeds 1.2.1 Seeds CTM Maps 0.10.3 Seeds Minigame Realistic Texture Packs