Download The Infinite Seed - Minecraft PE Seeds
MC: The Infinite Seed
Category:Minecraft PE Seeds
Viewed: 1643 - Published at: 4 years ago


In this seed, you will find a long infinite loop where you can find diamonds and other minerals, since it is located in layer 12 high, you may not want it for survival, or maybe you do, but this seed is very nice.

These are the coordinates where a long loop begins

It’s beautiful right? Well you will love the following

In this seed you will find an infinite loop of diamonds! here the location and area

I had to download a texture pack to show them clearly the location of the diamonds and how the loop goes

It is repeated horizontally by three groups of diamond ores

This time I could not use the texture pack, since the netherite option is not implemented yet

Located in the NETHER, at these coordinates, you will find an infinite loop of netherite, in the infinite seed!

These are the coordinates where one of the two groups begins, where there are loops of netherite [(+16) (18) (-16)], add +16 in the first coordinate, in the second it leaves 18 and in the third subtraction – 16 to find the netherite

These are the coordinates where the second group begins, where there are netherite loops [(-16) (18) (+16)], add +16 in the first coordinate, in the second it leaves 18 and in the third subtraction – 16 for find the netherite

and finally here are small loop islands located at the END, you can follow them as they will take you to some END CITYS around the place

Seed ID


