Download The Asylum (Horror) - Minecraft PE Maps
MC: The Asylum (Horror)
Category:Minecraft PE Maps
Viewed: 1121 - Published at: 5 years ago


On a stormy cold autumn night, you are driving back from an exciting evening at your friends house. You’re travelling down a road you don’t really remember, after having one too many beers you just assume you are tired and exhausted and carry on driving, you must recognize something sooner or later.

Lightning strikes above your head and forks down to the trees ahead of you. Your slow reflexes push down on the breaks, but not in time, you collide with the falling tree… and … you pass out.

Opening your eyes, you crawl out of the wreckage, head throbbing with pain. To the left of you is a tunnel, you can just about see a light at the end. You walk down the tunnel, but are abruptly stopped by a cave in. You’re trapped. No signal. No light. And in pain.

The only exit you can see from the crash site is a small cave like opening with a sign reading ‘Chartham Asylum’

There has to be a phone there.

Created By The PhantomHives form by GabTheCrafter, Mikkeeeyyyy, JoshPlayz, A horror theme map creators


(Dont Watch If you Dont Want Any Spoilers!)


For Zip File:

After downloading the file extract the folder then copy the extracted folder to phone(name of device)/games/com.mojang/minecraftWorlds Then hit paste and that's It! Launched the game and enjoy the Map.

For McWorld File:

After downloading the file click it and it will automatically install it on your Minecraft app have fun and enjoy the map.


