Text+ changes some names of some items and even gives colors. It gives colors to names such as Yellow Hardened Clay, Silver Wool, Diamond Sword, Golden Boots, etc.! It includes 3 different settings.
Changes things like Cooked Beef to Steak and Terracotta to Hardened Clay and adds Colors. Settings:
Full: Colors, Changed Names
Metal: Colors Golden, Stone, and Diamond Gear, Changed Names
Just Names: Changed Names
Above shows Colored Gear (Setting Metal or Full)
Above Shows Name Change And Color (Setting Full)
Above Shows Name Change and Color (Setting Full)
Above Quick Video (No video is really needed for this but I want views)
0.17.0+ Seeds Massive Cavern 0.14.0+ Seeds 0.8.1 Seeds 1.5+ Seeds Functions 1.0.4 Seeds 1.3+ Seeds Android Mod 64x64