Download Tal’s Armour Rework - Minecraft PE Addons
MC: Tal’s Armour Rework
Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons  / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 1675 - Published at: 4 years ago


This add-on reimagines the armour textures whilst attempting to stay true to their vanilla roots. It also fixes the flickering texture issue on player armour and tweaks one of the recipes so that iron, diamond and netherite armour follow more of a tiered progression.


Firstly I’d like to acknowledge upfront that although this mod has been made from scratch entirely by me, I have gained inspiration from other texture mods that can be found on Java edition. I thought Bedrock needed more armour mods like this, as most of them seem to be focused on PVP texture packs.

My key inspiration has come from an old (9 years ago) but excellent pack made by Poisonheaded. (here’s a link) As you can see my textures follow a similar style to theirs, but I have used the vanilla armour textures as a base and then made my own tweaks from there. The end result is pretty different (and more detailed) I would argue, and I have also created my own matching icons. 

Anyway, now to the armour sets.

New Icons

All the new armour textures have their new icon as shown:

(Note: the leather armour icons will still change colour when dyed) 

Armour Sets

Leather Armour:

Dyed Leather Armour:

Golden Armour:

Chain Armour:

The iron, diamond and netherite armours now follow a tiered progression as seen below.

Iron Armour:

Diamond Armour:

(It now has diamonds set into each of the armour pieces and adds wrist-plates.)

Netherite Armour:

(The Netherite Armour retains the diamonds but now offers more protection to the face, the wrist plates are now gauntlets and the boots are taller. It also adds a gold trim to reflect the gold needed to craft it.)

New Recipes

The reason this is not simply a texture pack is because I have also altered the Diamond Armour recipes to better reflect the progression from iron to diamond to netherite amour.

You now need to add the corresponding piece of Iron Armour to craft its diamond version (similar to crafting Netherite Armour) as shown below:

(Note: If you don’t want to add these new recipes you can just load the resource pack and not the behaviours)

 Player model tweaks

Finally, I have also tweaked the player model to reduce the amount of flickering that seems to occur when two textures are rendered on top of each other. You can see this most obviously in the legs and boots. The side effect is that it does make the legs and boots seem a bit slimmer.


Download the mcaddon and activate the behaviour and resource pack into your world (1st link).

If you want the textures only, download just the resource pack (2nd link).

*Don't forget to activate them in your world as well!*


