Download Swap Bots Alpha 1 - Minecraft PE Maps
MC: Swap Bots Alpha 1
Category:Minecraft PE Maps
Viewed: 850 - Published at: 5 years ago


Swap Bots is a single-player puzzle map with a unique feature. You play as two different robots that work together to solve puzzles. The gameplay is simple but the puzzles will get challenging.


At the moment, the map is only an alpha test. In the alpha, you play the tutorial that is set inside a simulation, and the first few tests of the full game. The story currently has no spoilers as all of the dialogue will change to tell the actual story. 

Meet Marco and Polo

The two robots you play finally have personalities of their own. These two robots were designed as an artificial intelligence test to see if one AI mind could think and act for two different robots.

*Marco on the left, Polo on the right*

Welcome to Robo Corp

Robo Corp is where Marco and polo were born. You get to explore a small area of the testing floor at Robo Corp and you see a small portion of how the facility is designed. You will meet Ian, another AI experiment that Robo Corp designed in their earlier days. You will learn more about him at a later release. 

The future is in your hands

These tests are important, this technology can help humanity advance into a new age. You can’t let your creators down… Don’t let us down.

Do not play in multiplayer, as this will break everything and the map will be unplayable


If you would like a .ZIP download

  • Right-click the .mcworld file
  • Select "Rename"
  • Change .mcworld to .zip
  • Press Enter/Return


