Category:Minecraft PE Seeds
Viewed: 968 - Published at: 5 years ago
This seed has loads of structures and many biomes within a thousand blocks of spawn! There is so much to explore and see in this world!
When you spawn in this sweet seed, you will see a Giant Tree Taiga to your left, a Jungle to your right, and a Shattered Savanna forward of you! If you go straight forward from spawn, you can find a Ravine with an exposed Fossil in it and a Desert Village and Pillager Outpost nearby. Keep going straight and you’ll come across a Plain Village with a Stronghold under its well. Past this village is a Mushroom biome as well!
If you go left from spawn into the Jungle, you should come across a very pretty Bamboo Jungle. And if you go behind spawn instead, you can find a Taiga Village squeezed between a Jungle, Flower Forest, and Giant Tree Taiga biomes!
Lastly, if you’re feeling adventurous and willing to walk a bit, travel forward and to the left from spawn in that diagonal direction. You will find a very interesting spot where there is a Jungle Temple, Village, and Pillager Outpost around a Swamp/Jungle Edge biome!
Enjoy this seed and if you get lost, check out the overview map of the world at bottom of this post!
★Seed ID: -852206589★
★Coordinates for v.1.11.x★
Giant Tree Taiga/Jungle Spawn: 508, 71, 12
Jungle/Shattered Savanna: 600, 80, 200
Pillager Outpost near Ravine with Fossil: 500, 69, 400
Desert Village: 550, 63, 550
Shipwreck in Coral Reef: 217, 60, 983
Plains Village with Stronghold under well: 580, 65, 930
Bamboo Jungle Biome: 900, 70, 0
Taiga Village near Flower Forest: 730, 75, -340
★Extra Coordinates★
(+1000 blocks from spawn)
Mushroom Biome: 500, 64, 1190
Jungle Temple next to large Jungle Edge biome: 1200, 71, 650
Plains Village/Swamp next to Pillager Outpost: 1430, 65, 500
Overview of world★
Seed ID