Download Starlight Games - Minecraft PE Maps
MC: Starlight Games
Category:Minecraft PE Maps
Viewed: 1551 - Published at: 4 years ago


✧Starlight Games✧
This is a Minigames World I created for Minecraft Bedrock Edition (Playable on Windows 10, Android, IOS, XBOX One, PS4, Nintendo Switch).
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✧Starlight Games✧

Subscribe to Final Starly on Youtube for Frequent Updates & Tutorial/Testing/Gameplay Footage: 

Join Our Discord to get Frequent Updates & New Versions Earlier than Released Here:

Thus far, Starlight Games only features one playable Minigame. This game is MobWars(Solo). This game puts you against Mobs which spawn in waves as you battle to Survive! Despite being named, MobWars(Solo), you can play this Minigame with friends too!
The Solo in the name, refers to there being 1 team where all Players participating are put against Mobs.

In MobWars(Solo), Players carry out various Tasks in order to gain Raw Materials which they can use to purchase Various Items and Effects to aid them in Surviving as long as they can.

Raw Materials Include; Feathers, Rabbit Foot, Ink Sacs, and Gunpowder!
There is also a Currency Converter Bot/Shop which allows you to convert Raw Materials into more valuable currency which can be used to Purchase even more Expensive Items and Effects in game! The more Valuable Currency are Blaze Rods (costing 1 of each Raw Material, i.e. Feathers, Rabbit Foot, Ink Sacs, and Gunpowder) and Nether Stars (costing 4 Blaze Rods).

Gives you x1 Feather for standing on a Pressure Plate which gives you levitation. You must move towards the bridge to land on it or risk taking fall damage!
Gives you x1 Rabbit Foot for pressing a Button which gives you levitation. You must move towards the bridge, preferably the black bridge borders to land on it or risk taking fall damage!
Gives you x1 Ink Sac for standing on a Pressure Plate which gives you levitation so that you can press a Button which is high up that gives you the Ink Sac and you have to land on slime blocks or risk taking fall damage!
Gives you x1 Gunpowder for standing on a Pressure Plate, opening a door, giving you access to another Pressure Plate which gives you the Gunpowder. This will teleport you to the first Pressure Plate again. Time this right, staying clear from hoards of Mobs or risk being put in a Life-Threatening Situation!

To Talk to any NPC; Right Click them (using Mouse), use Block Place/Interact (PS4, Switch, XBOX One), Tap Them and Tap the “Talk” Button which Appears on Screen.

Please don’t change Game Modes (Creative, Survival, etc.) in this Map or change any Command Blocks if you’re not sure what you’re doing or risk reinstalling Map!

All Shops and Prices are Listed Here
[Syntax; ItemName Quantity Material/Currency Quantity]:


Wooden Sword = Feather x1

Stone Sword = Feather x1, Rabbit’s Foot x1

Iron Sword = Blaze Rod x2

Bow = Ink Sac x3

Arrow x5 = Feather x2


Leather = Feather x1, Rabbit’s Foot x1, Ink Sac x1

Chain = Blaze Rod x2

Iron = Nether Star x6

Diamond = Nether Star x20

Netherite = Nether Star x 40


Carrot ×5 = Feather x1

Steak ×5 = Feather x1, Rabbit’s Foot x1

Golden Apple ×1 = Blaze Rod x3

Enchanted Golden Apple x1 = Nether Star x30

Effects & Special:

Jump 2 = Nether Star x1

Speed 3 = Nether Star x2

Saturation 255 = Nether Star x5

Arrow-Rain Snowball x1 = Nether Star x3 

Arrow-Rain Snowball-Rain Egg x1 = Nether Star x 9


Blaze Rod = Feather x1, Rabbit’s Foot x1, Gunpowder x1, Ink Sac x1

Nether Star = Blaze Rod x4

Show off h0w long you’ve survived for and how many Items you can get and Post your high-score/progress in Our Discord Server or post it on Social Media, such as Instagram with the tag #StarlightGames ! We hope to see your Achievements soon


To play the game, you must:

Walk forward from spawn, following the arrow marked on the ground.

You should then talk to the Dandy Lil’ Robot and tell them that you have Subscribed to Final Starly on Youtube claim your GameTicket(s) (Cookies) as these act as passes which you require in order to play minigames in this world. You should also take his advice and Join Our Discord too!

After this, find the Yellow Man and inform him that you wish to play MobWars(Solo)!

You will now be teleported to a small room where you can inform another Yellow Man that you would like to Start the Game!

Finally, you may Begin the Game by talking to this person:

To End the game, press End Game.

To Return to Spawn, press Quit Game.
To play again, repeat the steps you took when you joined the world, after Ending and Quitting the Game!

A more detailed Tutorial about MobWars(Solo) & Starlight Games will be Uploaded to Youtube soon!

If you enjoyed this Map, please Subscribe to Final Starly on Youtube to Support the Creator!


Download File.
Open .mcworld File to Play!


