If you’re a classic SNES/N64 or a modern WiiU/Switch Starfox Fan this skinpack is for you! This pack allows you to play as Fox McCloud, Falco Lombardi, Slippy Toad, and Peppy Hare!
The Skins
This pack includes all four members of the Starfox team!
- Fox McCloud
- Falco Lombardi
- Slippy Toad
- Peppy Hare
The Creator
Hello, I’m Minnesota! I’m a small youtuber and creator who loves to make things for the games I play! If you have any question or would like to see me channel just use the links below!
My Personal Discord (Chats for MCPEDL users!)
Note: This was only uploaded to If you see this anywhere else it was without my permission.
- Download the .mcpack
- Open the .mcpack
- Minecraft will open and it should say that it is importing at the top
- Once imported the skin pack should be ready for use
.MCPack 0.12.1 Seeds 0.14.2 Seeds Behavior Pack Roller Coaster Maps 0.12.3 Seeds 1.1.0+ Seeds Massive Cavern Realistic Texture Packs 0.12.0+ Seeds