Download Skyblock Shop Function Pack (Advanced Function Shop) - Minecraft PE Addons
MC: Skyblock Shop Function Pack (Advanced Function Shop)
Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons  / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 1138 - Published at: 4 years ago


You making a Skyblock map and need a shop? We’ll This is the Function Pack for you! This pack allows you to have a shop without command blocks! You can also use this function pack to make any shop, It is very advance and will work amazingly well and is 100% reliable! Plus it is extremely easy to use! This was originally made for my Skyblock map coming soon, but it was pretty advanced so I decided to share it with you guys!

This pack allows you to make a shop with no command blocks! in order to set it up, type “/function shop-setup” or in a command block “function shop-setup” either way will work! Note: You must use this command in order to be able to use any of the commands in this function pack.

Once that is done, you should see a bar on the side saying Money on it and you should now have 200 Money! Now time to learn how to use the shop!

The commands to shop are very simple, it is separated into strings the first string is “buy” make sure you always type “buy” when you go to buy something, each string is separated by a “-“, make sure you separate your strings by a dash, next you type the item that you want (In this case I want blue wool), so you would type the item you want with no spaces, “But minebuilder3! What if I don’t know the data value of the item I want!” Well luckily for you, you do not need to know the data value to buy what you want (e.g. to buy blue wool I can type buy-bluewool) I know what your thinking, “what if I want to buy a certain amount?” Well, all you have to do is add another “-” and type any amount you want up to a stack! Also, the amount is optional.

Note: the amount of a stack you buy varies upon which item your buying e.g. if I was buying glass bottles, I could only buy up to 16 at a time.

If this is done correctly, and you have enough money, you will get a message similar to this! This will only show up to you!

If you did it correctly but you don’t have enough money it will say:

This message will only show up to you!

Currently, this is in the testing phase, because of how advanced it is, you can only buy a few colors of wool but I’m in the middle of making more! The reason it takes a while is that for every amount of item I need it takes 1 function which means if I was making obsidian to be purchasable then I would have to type 1 – 65 functions per block that could stack up to 64. But this is not done yet except a ton more!


Make sure you join my Discord for more updates! And suggest what should come next because this is still a work in progress!


