Download Skyblock: Fan-Made Update - Minecraft PE Maps
MC: Skyblock: Fan-Made Update
Category:Minecraft PE Maps
Viewed: 984 - Published at: 4 years ago


  The Skyblock Version 2 has been the most popular custom survival map made by Noobcrew (Original Creator), where you spawn in the middle of nowhere with limited resources to survive.

But what happens if the creator made a third update, or even more updates?


Explore the original islands and new islands created by me to have more fun survive, here’s a full list:

Original Islands:

Main Island (x.1)

The Place where you start your adventure (Standard Map)

Main Island (X.0)

The Place where you start your adventure (3 Times smaller/More Challenging)

Sand Island

A Island filled with sand and cactus

(Throw away the sandstone)

Glowstone Island

A Island filled with Glowstone blocks close to the Nether Portal

(Mushrooms are in the chest)

New Islands:

Soul Sand Island (Updated)

A Place filled with Soul Sand and a planted Nether Wart

Chest Content: Jungle Sapling, Cocoa Beans and Beetroot Seeds

Blaze Generator Island

A Island with a generator than spawns Blazes

(Don’t break the generator)

Stone Island (Updated)

A Island filled with a Slime Generator and a chest

Chest Content: Villager Eggs and Spruce Sapling


Warped Skyblock

Crismon Skyblock

Mini Basalt Delta

Dark Oak Wood Island

Red Sand Island

– Play on Survival

– Don’t use cheats

– Play at least on Easy

– Don’t fall to regenerate Health

The 50 original challenges + new challenges to beat

The Challenge List

(Note: Some challenges may be unable to be done)

More Island will be added…

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