Download Ski Resort - Minecraft PE Maps
MC: Ski Resort
Category:Minecraft PE Maps
Viewed: 1304 - Published at: 4 years ago


Visit a ski resort in Minecraft! This ski resort has multiple activities for you to do, including paragliding, “skiing”, an ice boat course, snowball fights, and more! Stay in either of the two hotel buildings, or talk to the NPCs scattered around the map.


Ski Lift!

The above pictures were taken using the ESBE-2G shaders.

I used World Painter and MCC Toolchest to create the snowy landscape and port it over to Bedrock Edition.

Christmas themed update coming soon!


In order to download a file off of Mediafire, click the link, and then the green download button. After your file has downloaded, you are free to close the tab.

After downloading the file, open it, and it should automatically import the file and launch Minecraft.

Note: If the world does not appear to function (Level Import Failed), then change the .mcworld into a .zip format, and extract the contents. Paste the folder into your Minecraft Worlds folder.


