Download SketchGames - Minecraft PE Servers
MC: SketchGames
Category:Minecraft PE Servers
Viewed: 1216 - Published at: 4 years ago
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Me and my friends have been working on this server for a month now and we’ve made this entire server in one world and I plugins Yup no plugins Well all the builds are hand built as well No worldedit we’ve got Spleef TNT run Sumo and dropper

So you may be thinking this must be a bad server then we’ll your wrong it’s a pretty good server if you take the time to appreciate it it has Speef TNT run Dropper and Sumo.!! were currently working on the lobby, but that’s not all of the minigames to come we’re working on more as well in weeks you will have a new dropper to play 

Events: -Slimathon 

We’re working on an event called slimathon this will include various things: Such as Slimathon hub titles New Shop cosmetics and even a new game 

this game will be called slimecano magma cubes and Slimes will come out of a volcano you have to fend of the Slimes and mine the spawned- located in the volcano trying not to burn in the lava you can get upgrades every round and this will go on forever till you die I’m not gonna give to much away but that the general premises 

Currency: we’ve add a new currency- BiteCoins BiteCoins are Earned by playing mini games depending on how you do can determine the amount of BiteCoins you get.

What do I do with BiteCoins?! Well this might help So the BiteCoins can be turned into crateKeys and Shop items Which are fun and experimental these items include BoomRod- an idea like the fishing rod but instead of fishing and pulling things in it explodes. Slimerizer- a item that can be Obtained through crates when dropped will give you the powers of a Slime JumpBoost and Speed Etc…

