Category:Minecraft PE Texture Packs
Viewed: 1378 - Published at: 5 years ago
Simple but elegant. Flat, but nice. A texture pack that took long and hard work to do, but is worth the wait. This texture pack takes all of the textures, and simplifies it more, keeping the structure of the block, but getting rid of extra details, shading etc., cleaning up the blocks to where it only had contrast to it, and it doesn’t have too much detail, only necessary details. Others to compare to is the paper cutout, 4×4, and ocd texture packs.
When your thought minecrafts textures were simple, their not. The textures here are as simple as possible. It’s in beta, because I just started, and some mistakes are here and there, but it looks nice. Sometimes, HD is too much for some people, and just want a simple version of it. By having the same resolution, but less shading, and difference in colors, it creates a mindset of joy and childhood like toys, without needing to be young! Flattening out the textures, gives a simple look to the game, as the original textures, could be said to be too detailed. Trailer:
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