Download SimpleCraft Alpha 4 – UI Update (1.12.0+) - Minecraft PE Texture Packs
MC: SimpleCraft Alpha 4 – UI Update (1.12.0+)
Category:Minecraft PE Texture Packs
Viewed: 1202 - Published at: 5 years ago


Texture pack that simplifies Minecraft with textures with edges but no tones. It now changes texture for: Game title, inside of carved pumpkin (so you can see with it on head), blaze rod, blaze powder, bow, arrow and more.


Texture pack that simplifies Minecraft with textures with edges but no tones. It now changes texture for: Game title (is same, but number is different), inside of carved pumpkin (so you can see with it on head), blaze rod, blaze powder, bow, arrow, armor stand (only as item), raw beef, cooked beef, bone, brewing stand, bucket, bucket with milk, bucket with water, bucket with lava, bucket with cod, bed (only as item), banner pattern, book, book and quill, enchanted book, bread, beetroot soup, apple, golden apple, growing beetroot, brick, brick block, all grass (except from farmland), all unstriped logs, anvil, stone, overworld ores, barrel, blast furnace, blue ice,  cactus, effects icons and GUI, all gold things, iron nugget, ingot, armor, horse armor, iron tools, quartz ore, all diamonds things, lapis, gold, iron, redstone, coal, emerald block, armor holder, coal and emerald (last 2 are missing on screenshots.

I will be happy if you will write comment for this pack and share it to you friends or if you check out my (new) YouTube Minecraft Animation channel: My channel

All edited blocks and items (I forgot some to this screenshot) – Alpha 1

Old blocks and items, that were changed in Alpha 1

Game title

Edited inside of pumpkin – Alpha 1

Old inside of pumpkin

New effects GUI – Alpha 2

New effects icons – Alpha 2

New items textures – Alpha 2

Old items textures

New armor holders – Alpha 3

Old armor holders

New textures (minus coal and emerald) – Alpha 3

Old textures changed in Alpha 3

Alpha 4:

Hello friends, this resource pack has beed dead for quite a long time. I will tel you why it happened: In the time when I was making this version I was working more in Mine-Imator (my content made in Mine-Imator of Modelbench – and I had big lack of time, so practically all my free time went to this program. But, I remembered now that I have few months SimpleCraft Alpha 4 in my laptop, so I’m now (24th January 2020) making SimpleCraft Alpha 4 (project name: SimpleCraft UI Update) PUBLIC!

+this resource pack will go trough big change of comlplete remaking for version 1.14.1


