Download Simple Anti Cheat - Minecraft PE Addons
MC: Simple Anti Cheat
Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons  / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 1479 - Published at: 4 years ago


The First AntiCheat for Bedrock Edition everyone can use! Hackers can be really annoying. No matter if you have a private server and your friend is trolling you and hacking on you or if you’re on a public server and hackers ruin your game. Stop them all. With Simple Anti Cheat. Easy to Install and Lots of Useful Features.

Simple Anti Cheat [SAC] Has a lot of Features to offer: Fight Back Hackers with Multiple Cheat Detections And other Useful Features

  • Easy Installation, No Setup Required: Just Install SAC to your world and your ready to go! If you see a Message in Chat, that means it installed Successfully. If not, try reinstalling it and make sure its at the Top of all Behaviour Packs in the World.

  • Speed: Players Moving to Fast will automatically be „Flagged“ Back and Set off a Notification

  • Fly: Fly Hackers will be pulled to the Ground and damaged
  • LiquidWalk/Jesus: Hackers can no longer Walk on Water and will just get pulled in.
  • X-Ray: You will be notified if a Player finds an unusual Amount of Ores (Diamond, Emerald, Iron or Gold).
  • Phase: Hackers won‘t be able to Phase through Blocks anymore.
  • Teleport: Hackers won‘t be able to teleport around.
  • KillAura/Aimbot [W.I.P.]: Detects KillAura and Aimbot and damages the Player.
  • Ban & Kick System: Players can be easily banned or kicked by using /tag (player) add Kick to Temporarily Kick a Player or /tag (player) add PermBan to Permanently Ban a Player
  • Excellent Notifications: /function notify/on To be notified about everything: Players Hacking, Players Changing their Gamemode, Even Players being Banned

  • /tag (player) add info will Grant you with all Informations about that Player SAC Has Collected like all Violations (Cheat Detections), Gamemode, Movement, Exemptions, Bans, Sensitivity, etc.

  • /tag (player) add SpeedSens(1 | 2 | 3 | 4) – Changes the Sensitivity to trigger Speed Flags (The Higher the more Sensitive) – works with XRaySens, SpeedSens, FlySens & TPSens
  • Flagging People for their Hacks is now automatically turned off and has to be turned on manually using /function flags/on & /function flags/off (Flagging means e. g. Dragging/Pulling People back trying to speed, teleport or fly)

And lots more: /function help for more information about everything and more

When a Hacker gets more than 10 Flags, they will get a Warning Message to turn their Hacks off if Flagging is Enabled

If Flagging is kept/turned off, This Anticheat is silent meaning People wont notice if it detects them for cheating. Staff however will still get notified if SAC detects Cheats and can examin the Situation themselves.

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If you have any Ideas or Suggestions to improve this or any other of my Packs, feel free to submit them in the Comments or Join my Discord Server

Made by d6b.


