Download Shulker - Mobs
MC: Shulker
Category:MC Unit Item  / Mobs
Viewed: 1538 - Published at: 5 years ago


Shulkers are hostile mobs that are found in End cities, located on the outer islands of the End. They hide in their shell to blend in with surrounding purpur blocks. Shulkers spawn during generation of end cities, which are located on the outer islands of the End. They often spawn on the walls of the dungeon. They don't despawn naturally, and once killed, they don't respawn. Shulkers drop 5 experience when killed by a player or a tamed wolf. Otherwise, they drop nothing. The shell of the mob looks similar to a purpur block, blending in relatively easily to its surroundings. Inside the shell of the mob is a small yellow head with two eyes. Shulkers generally remain stationary, attached to an adjacent solid block. However, if the block the shulker occupies becomes something other than air or the shulker finds itself not adjacent to any solid block, or the shell cannot open, it will attempt to teleport (5 attempts per tick) to an air block within a 17×17×17 cuboid centered on the shulker that is adjacent to a solid block. Shulkers will occasionally open their shell for 1–3 seconds to peer outside. When a target comes within about 16 blocks, it will open up fully and shoot guided projectiles (which follow the player) which only move along the X, Y, or Z axis and leave trails of white particles. The projectiles can be destroyed by attacking them. If the bullet hits an entity, it does 4 (heart x 2) of damage and inflicts the levitation status effect for 10 seconds. As long as the target is in range, the shulker will continue to fire every 1–5.5 seconds. When its shell is closed, a shulker has 20 (armor × 10) armor points and is completely immune to arrows. When the shell opens, it loses this natural armor and takes damage as normal. When at less than half health, a shulker has a 25% chance of teleporting (as described above) after taking damage. When a shulker is attacked, other shulkers in the area will target the attacker as well. Shulkers are immune to lava and fire.


End city

