Download SG Pocket Expansion [Survival] - Minecraft PE Maps
MC: SG Pocket Expansion [Survival]
Category:Minecraft PE Maps
Viewed: 1037 - Published at: 5 years ago


This map was originally created for Java Edition, but it has now (by request of the original author) been recreated in Bedrock Edition. Pocket Expansion is basically a new survival gamemode where you must survive in the sky in an ever-expanding environment.

The world terrain generation works very from vanilla though. Random blocks will randomly appear around you. Other randomized generations include spawned mobs and skyblock islands. This is considered one of the toughest survival challenges in Minecraft!

Original Java Map by: JUSTCAMH (Original Java Map)
Creators: SkyGames Team (Twitter) (Website): MCPEtraswen (Owner), Luma (Main Builder), jobetyk (Main Builder), FogzGamez (Co-Owner), McMCPE1234 (Tester), AmazingGamerPH (Renderer), DJTMGaming (Server Manager), InNova (Builder), deadmanplaysMC (Builder), LUCKYBLOCK17o (Builder), FHMiner (Builder & Models), pattcosmics (Builder)

How does it work?

As soon as you’ve spawned in the world blocks will automatically start generate around you at random. Logs, planks, dirt, ores and stone are more common than let’s say glowstone, concrete and wool. They spawn the most frequent at Y:50.

Mobs also spawn occasionally (and most commonly at Y:51+). That’s certainly quite useful for farming.

Occasionally larger islands will spawn like this sandstone island and sometimes it includes a chest.


