Download SG Planet Patrollers [Minigame] - Minecraft PE Maps
MC: SG Planet Patrollers [Minigame]
Category:Minecraft PE Maps
Viewed: 943 - Published at: 5 years ago


SG Planet Patrollers is a multiplayer minigame similar to Domination. The main objective of the game is to capture all the different planets. This is done by standing on a planet which you want to capture, while making sure there’s no other enemy player on the planet. It includes a custom resource pack with new sounds and textures and the game also includes space like game mechanics. Do you have what it takes to be an astronaut?

Creators: SkyGames Team (Twitter) (Website): MCPEtraswen (Owner), FogzGamez (Co-Owner), Luma (Main Builder), jobetyk (Main Builder), McMCPE1234 (Tester), AmazingGamerPH (Renderer), DJTMGaming (Server Manager), InNova (Builder), deadmanplaysMC (Builder), LUCKYBLOCK17o (Builder), FHMiner, (Builder)

How to play?

Use the blocks and items in your hotbar wisely to control all of the planets. You capture a planet simply by killing all enemy players on that planet, and then stand on it to turn it into your team color.



