SG New Years Countdown is a small map by inviziy for the lonely minecrafters who aren’t partying with anyone on new years! Press the button at spawn to start the 5 second countdown to the new years explosions! Enjoy the fireworks, countdown and the hidden parkour!
Creators: SkyGames Team (Twitter) (Website) (View all credits)
It’s highly recommended to set the time to night.
- MCPEtraswen (Owner)
- FogzGamez (Co-Owner)
- Luma (Main Builder)
- Inviziy (Builder)
- GianZMC (Builder)
- McMCPE1234 (Tester)
- AmazingGamerPH (Renderer)
- DJTMGaming (Co-Owner)
- pattcosmics (Builder)
- deadmanplaysMC (Builder)
- LUIS6234 (Builder)
- Nikilas11 (Builder)
- HongyiMC (Programmer)
- Mauripichi_
- leefnut (Builder)