SkyBlock is the classic survival challenge! Play on the SG Logo with some extra challenges from the uneven terrain and puzzling island base! It’s all based on the old school SkyBlock map, but specifically designed just the same way as the skyblock island in the SkyGames logo.
Creators: SkyGames Team (Twitter) (Website) (View all credits)
- MCPEtraswen (Owner)
- FogzGamez (Co-Owner)
- Luma (Main Builder)
- GianZMC (Builder)
- McMCPE1234 (Tester)
- AmazingGamerPH (Renderer)
- DJTMGaming (Co-Owner)
- pattcosmics (Builder)
- deadmanplaysMC (Builder)
- LUIS6234 (Builder)
- Nikilas11 (Builder)
- HongyiMC (Programmer)
- Mauripichi_
- leefnut (Builder)
- TylerSk8Z (Builder)
0.15.7 Seeds Creation Maps 0.15.0+ Seeds 1.4+ Seeds Roller Coaster Maps 0.14.1 Seeds 0.10.5 Seeds 0.12.3 Seeds Android Texture Pack redsone map