An Add-On for any Minecraft player – PVP, PVE, Building, Roleplaying, anything you can imagine! There’s custom entities, custom bosses with cool mechanics, custom weapons including 3D weapons./guns, custom morphs, custom armour, working furniture blocks, many building blocks, survival & multiplayer compatibility.
It has everything.
– You are NOT allowed to share the direct mediafire link, ONLY link to this page
– You are NOT allowed to upload this ANYWHERE ELSE. This add-on will only be on MCPEDL
– If you are using this add-on for your content (youtube video, etc.), PLEASE credit me. This add-on is related to the SCP Foundation and therefore is CC-BY-SA
– You are NOT allowed to edit the code, you may use it for learning. But remember, what good does copying and pasting give you? Editing the code just ruins the intended experience, not very nice of you to do that
– Ignorance of these restrictions does not excuse breaking them, respect us add-on creators please, we do our best to give you a cool experience with our add-ons, its not nice how we are treated like this
– Thx to justAsh from PixelPoly for teaching me how to make 3D items.
– Some sound effects from BATIM
– Other Community Help
SCP: Collaboration Lite was originally meant to be a small Lite version for 1.16.100+ bug fixes, but now it’s practically v5, because I want to give you have the best experience with this very inefficiently-coded add-on. I hope people can at the very least appreciate the effort.
SCP: Collaboration Lite adds mainly SCP themed stuff, like facility blocks, SCPs, scientists, D-Class, Chaos Insurgency, Serpent’s Hand, Global Occult Coalition, Scarlet King, etc.
Survival Compatibility:
First of all, here is the recipe list for SCP Collaboration
Now to get alot of the stuff in the add-on, you can find these crate caches around the world. They contain 2 supply crates and some SCP Essence Ore
Supply crates are the main thing you need to get weapons to defend yourself, and to start your own facility

You can come across structures with very powerful weapons! (they’re rare tho)

SCPs can drop some useful items, there’s even some Spawner rooms that are quite uncommon.
You can turn them into SCP mob farms, assuming they dont kill you first.

What a nice view

Find Scarlet Ruins to get scarlet blocks. You need these to summon the scarlet king and to get Scarlet Armour

Hey look a 3D gun, I heard people like them too much
Oh well time to hunt for some food

Hey look now I have full scarlet armour set
(also a crucible, and yes its also 3d)

Btw a full set of this very cool armour has 95% knockback resistance, gives you strength I, speed I and fire resistance I. Oh btw its u n b r e a k a b l e
Now your armour doesnt break when fighting Scarlet King, y e s
now look i can build with these very cool bloccs yes

this is fun

You can use rotator tool to change connection type of the pipes

You can craft Arena items to build an arena for you to fight bosses in

Fight the Scarlet King with your friends!

There’s alot more you can do in survival, how about downloading, sharing and subscribing
Creative Compatibility
so you’re a builder? i made your life very easy. right click/tap & hold the screen to build this storage structure. it has every block, item and spawn egg in it

Alot of items, categorised in creative inventory

Look at those mobs, alot of them. So much content, there’s even more for you to explore
why dont u download share like subscribe yes
– Scarlet King Nerfs
+ SK Fireball Explosion Power 15 – 10
+ SK Fireball Impact Damage (Direct hit) 270 – 160
+ Scarlet Meatball Demon/Scarlet Demon Fireball Power 8 – 5
+ Scarlet Meatball Demon/Scarlet Demon (Direct hit) 170 – 90
+ Scarlet Golem HP 350 – 150
+ Scarlet Golem Movement Speed 0.26 – 0.22
+ Scarlet Golem Damage Range 100-400 to 100-150
+ Bendy the Demon18 doesnt become faster over time now & doesnt have strength over time now
+ DreadBear no longer gives “fear” overtime
+ Scarlet Fang Damage 260 – 20
+ Scarlet Hand HP 200000 – 100
+ Scarlet Hand Damage 250 – 100
+ Scarlet Demon HP 150 – 80
+ Bendy the Demon18 Spawns Dendy Fragments Faster
+ Bendy the Demon18 Movement Speed Decreased
+ Bendy the Demon18 Damage 150 – 90
+ Broken Hands Damage 220 – 120
+ Broken Hands HP 1500 – 1200
+ Dread Dy Damage 220 – 120
+ Dread Dy Hp 1500 – 1200
+ Dread Dy Movement Decreased
+ Empty Damage 250 – 100
+ Empty Movement Speed Slightly Decreased
– SCP-106 HP 3507 – 800
– SCP-3057-4 HP 150 – 50
– SCP-049-JS HP 1000 – 700
– Removed Resistance effect from all MTF/Chaos Armour
– Reduced Shotgun range & damage
– SCP-106 Skeletal Soldier Spawn Range Reduced from 10 – 7, Spawn Cooldown time increased from 15s to 45s
– Re-did all items in the add-on, now they are categoried in the creative inventory (blocks still bugged,use function allstuff or the all stuff item to get blocks)
– All guns now don’t use ammo when you’re in Creative Mode. (Except BFG-9000)
– Moved Scarlet King Boss Arena spawn platform upwards to reduce chances of getting spawn killed.
– Removed allblocks functions (they have been replaced with “allstuff” function)
– Removed Chair entity & camera entity
– Improved Armour Code
+ Now re-adds effects every 10 seconds (Used to not re-add at all, the 10 second delay is to reduce lag)
– SCP-939 now has a very small chance of dropping SCP-939 Morph (only obtainable morph in survival)
– SCP-966 has a chance of dropping invisibility potions
– SCP-553 now also drops 2-6 quartz (can be used to make quartz farms)
– Added SCP Raid to SHAG Trade
– SCP-3057-4 now also drops beef
– Removed ALL biomes and structures from SCP: Collaboration (v4)
– Removed Unnecessary items
– Removed Unnecessary entities
– Removed Unnecessary functions
– Reduced JS Suit Double Jump Cooldown (5s – 4s)
– Reduced JS Suit Dash Cooldown (5s – 2s)
– ALL SCP Morphs no longer gives health boost, instead they give 20 armour points, in addition to the already existing effects
– All Armour now gives some form of protection (like real armour)
– Ballistic Vest no longer gives effects, now it gives 12 protection points but has a durability of 50
– See No Evil Armour now does nothing (Because of game bugs)
– Destroyer Tool Changes
+ Now breaks scarlet blocks faster than everything else
+ Now mines most facility blocks and some vanilla blocks faster
– SCP-457 can spawn in the nether & overworld but rarely in overworld
– SCP-939 / SCP-966 can spawn naturally in overworld at night
– SCP-1507 spawns like passive mobs, but slightly rarer
– SCP-3057-4 spawns in jungles
– Removed Bendy morph
– Removed SCP-049-JS-2
– Removed SCP-2950-TF
– Removed SCP-009, 427, 714 functions
– Removed SCP-420-JS
– XM-25 now explodes upon impact instead of after 2 seconds
– Sneaking now puts out fire 3 blocks around you
– Ancient Sword Changes
+ Cannot break blocks in creative
+ 26 attack damage
+ Same enchantibility as gold tools
+ No longer gives effects when held
– Gate Guardian Sword Changes
+ Cannot break blocks in creative
+ 999999 attack damage
+ Same enchantibility as gold tools
+ No longer gives effects when held
– Dagger Changes
+ Cannot break blocks in creative
+ 16 attack damage
+ Still gives speed boost when held
– Chaos Staff
+ Cannot break blocks in creative
+ The rest is the same
– Broom
+ Cannot break blocks in creative
+ The rest is the same
– Crucible
+ Cannot break blocks in creative
+ Does not use ammo when in creative mode
+ The rest is the same
– Removed all bans on milkers
– Eating Y-909 now removes one random slot from your inventory
– Made some changes to some recipes
– MTF/Chaos now will attack scps/monsters immediately
– Removed broken spawn eggs from S.H.A.G trades
– Fixed SCP-096-JS Mob Animations
– Fixed crediting for some items
– Significantly Reduced Lag
+ You can now even fight scarlet king with like 10 players and it wont lag much, but the host should be on windows 10/xbox for more than 5 players
New Additions
– Added “allstuff” function (Spawns a room with all blocks, all items and all spawn eggs)
– Added “allstuff” item (runs the allstuff functions so you dont have to type it, and is in creative menu under items category)
– Added Scarlet Scrap
+ Smelt Scarlet Debris to get Scarlet Scrap
– Added Scarlet Armour
+ Combine Netherite Armour & 1 Scarlet Scrap in a crafting table to get Scarlet Armour
+ Wearing a full set of Scarlet Armour plays a cool sound effect & gives Speed I, Strength I and Fire Resistance
+ Scarlet Armour has same protection level as diamond & netherite
+ Full Set of Scarlet Armour gives 95% Knockback Resistance (Netherite gives 90%)
+ Scarlet Armour is UNBREAKABLE
– New Structures
+ Added SCP-939, SCP-966, SCP-3057-4, SCP-553, SCP-610 Spawners. They can spawn naturally, you can use these to make farms in survival
+ Added MechaManiac Room, Very rare but with good loot
+ Added BFG-900 Room, Very rare but with loot
+ Added Crate Cache, they spawn quite commonly. Contains some SCP Essence Ore and 2 crates
+ Added SCP Essence Stashes, quite common
– Added 5 arenas. They can be crafted as items, right click to spawn them. (Holding the items shows a blue circle which is roughly the size of the arenas)
+ Serpents Hand Arena, Chaos Arena, GOC Arena, Broken God Arena, SCP Raid Arena
– Added Booster Entity (Works like elevator block)
– Added Supply Crates
+ 20 different loot tables, essential for playing in survival mode
– Added Chair (Block)
+ Can be placed facing 4 directions (exclude up/down)
+ Right click to sit on it (spawns an entity in the chair and makes you ride it, the entity despawns if theres no player riding it so no lag)
– Added Functional Small Facility Light Block
+ Can be placed in all 6 directions (including up/down)
+ Collision box looks like its a full block, this is pick collision. There is no entity collision
– Added Pipe Blocks
+ 5 types (all the concrete types)
+ Use rotator tool to change the connection type, there is no connection type for vertical-horizontal though
– Added Computer block (right clicking does something cool once in a while)
– Right click destroyer tool on lcwall2/hcwall/ezwall2/tiles to make them cracked
– Right click builder tool on cracked lcwall2/hcwall/ezwall2/tiles to repair them
– Added Mango
+ Food source, can be planted on farmland & bone mealed like a normal crop. Right click when fully grown to get mangoes
– Added Golden Carrot Crop
+ Craft golden carrot seed with 1 golden carrot
– Added SCP-420-J
+ 2 types, one kills you and one makes you very high
+ Can be planted, break when fully grown to get SCP-420-J
Watch the Trailers
MCPEDL has tutorials on how to import/download/skip ads
Skip Adfly Ad:
1) Go to files app, navigate to downloads. You should see the name of the pack there.
2) Copy this file over to Documents by Readdle app
3) Rename the .mcaddon to .zip. Press use .zip
4) Rename it back to .mcaddon Press use .mcaddon
5) Now open it, press more and press copy to minecraft. It should work now
If it doesn't work, try extracting all the zip files directly into Minecraft. The folder location is:
games> com.mojang> resource_packs / behavior_packs
- You are NOT allowed to share the direct mediafire link, ONLY link to this page
- You are NOT allowed to upload this ANYWHERE ELSE. This add-on will only be on MCPEDL
- If you are using this add-on for your content (youtube video, etc.), PLEASE credit me. This add-on is related to the SCP Foundation and therefore is CC-BY-SA
- You are NOT allowed to edit the code, you may use it for learning. But remember, what good does copying and pasting give you? Editing the code just ruins the intended experience, not very nice of you to do that
- Ignorance of these restrictions does not excuse breaking them, respect us add-on creators please, we do our best to give you a cool experience with our add-ons, its not nice how we are treated like this