Download Scape SCP Proyect - Minecraft PE Maps
MC: Scape SCP Proyect
Category:Minecraft PE Maps
Viewed: 1425 - Published at: 4 years ago


You are the new employee in an SCP plant (Because yes, of all the available jobs you chose the most dangerous one) Everything is normal in your day, until a failure in the power generator leaves the SCPs loose around, and without power, the exit door is not going to move …

Vanilla Map

This map is 100% vanilla and only simple commands were used for its creation, so its weight is reduced and you will not have to worry about lag if you play alone or with friends

Explore the place

You will find quite a few places out there, if you want to get the power generator to work to be able to get out of there as soon as possible, it will be better that you inspect the place well to find the necessary tools

Mysterious creatures

While trying to escape, you may run into various creatures called SCP.
We do not recommend approaching them, they are extremely dangerous and can kill you on contact if they propose, but if you do not see another solution, attack! Or else, run for your life

Short but intense

It is a short map, but it may surprise you. Enjoy its Micro-History and the tension caused by not knowing if when you turn the corner you will be able to find an SCP or not.


AbelitoHost / AbelitoGamerYT
SmashGEMS / DeadlyGhostM

This map was created as a TEST, if you like it, let us know in the comments and we will make a larger version, more worked and in total: Better made. If you would like to see that “Final Version” in the future, don’t hesitate to let us know.



Unzip the map with Winrar and double click on the "Scape SCP Project" file. Minecraft will open (if it wasn't before) and start exporting the world.


In a file explorer, change the format from .mcworld to .zip and then unzip the folder, then, when you have the folder unzipped, move it to the minecraft files, in the worlds folder. If you need a more detailed explanation, look on youtube


