Download Restore Armor Recipes - Minecraft PE Addons
MC: Restore Armor Recipes
Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons  / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 1152 - Published at: 4 years ago


Hi, this is my first addon. This addon makes your armor return to its basic ingredients, such as an iron helmet to an iron nugget. Important note: Only half of the materials can be returned Example : iron helmet to the iron nugget 27 = 3 iron ingots.

Made by Gloose

This addon adds a new item, namely diamond chunk, this is the same as iron nuggets or netherite scrap.

Recipes :

(New Update)

You need a Blast Furnace :

Netherite helmet returns to 1 netherite ingot (gold ingot not included)

Netherite armor returns to 1 netherite ingot (gold ingot not included)

Netherite leggings returns to 1 netherite ingot (gold ingot not included)

Netherite Boots returns to 1 netherite ingot (gold ingot not included)

You need a Crafting Table :

Diamond helmet returns to 12 diamond chunk.

Diamond armor returns to 16 diamond chunk.

Diamond leggings returns to 16 diamond chunk.

Diamond boots returns to 8 diamond chunk.

Golden helmet returns to 27 gold nugget

Golden armor returns to 36 gold nugget

Golden leggings returns to 36 gold nugget

Golden boots returns to 18 gold nugget

Iron helmet returns to 27 iron nugget

Iron armor returns to 36 iron nugget

Iron leggings returns to 36 iron nugget

Iron boots returns to 18 iron nugget

Diamond chunk to Diamond recipes

(New Update)

Leather cap returns to 3 leather

Leather tunic returns to 4 leather

Leather pants returns to 4 leather

Leather boots returns to 2 leather

ok that’s all i can explain thank you

You are allowed to : 

1. use this addon on any creations with credits

2. use this addon on any video with credits

You are not allowed to :

1. use this addon on any creation without the correct credit

2. use this addon on any video without the correct credits

3.  provide another download link that I did not provide (only from the mcpedl website the correct link)

4. modify this addon without author’s permission

Thank you for agreeing to the terms above



  • Extract zip file
  • Select File Restore Armor_behavior_pack and cut/copy to games/com.mojang/behavior_pack
  • Select File Restore Armor_resource_pack and cut/copy to games/com.mojang/resource_pack


  • Select file
  • Open with Minecraft

don't forget to turn on experimental mode


