Download Reinforced Blocks Add-on (1.16) - Minecraft PE Addons
MC: Reinforced Blocks Add-on (1.16)
Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons  / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 1119 - Published at: 4 years ago


This add-on adds blocks that look almost like vanilla blocks but have a high blast resistance and take longer to break then the vanilla blocks do. You can use these blocks in your base to protect your self griefers. Making them is very simple and not that expensive depending on the block.

Crafting Recipes

This add-on has reinforced versions of the most common (stone-ish) building materials in MInecraft. The add-in is very useful for regular building because it doesn’t makes the textures look too different from the vanilla textures but has a distinguishable difference when you compare it with the vanilla texture. Some textures I didn’t change because I felt they looked better left alone.


Most of the blocks will have a outline that matches the the color of the block. As you can see below sandstone blocks have a outline around them that makes the distinguishable from the vanilla blocks but still has the sandstone “feel” to it.

Example Building:

The Reinforced Blocks Have very good resistance from TNT as seen in the GIF below

(BTW that glowstone texture is old I just didn’t feel like re-recording it)

The Blocks take a long time to break making it good for stopping players.

Every Reinforced Block

I will make a separate pack that makes the reinforced blocks like just like vanilla blocks if people want it and maybe even a drill to make breaking the blocks easier.


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  • Have FUN!


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